Bank Guarantee Amendment - Beneficiary (tcgtc0660m400)

Use this session to modify the bank guarantees for the beneficiary with the status 'Received' or 'Sent to Beneficiary'.

Field Information

Financial Company

The code of the company for which the parameters are defined.


The description of the financial company.


The code of the applicant who requests for the bank guarantee.

Allowed values


The name of the applicant.


The code of the bank that issues the bank guarantee.

Bank Guarantee Type

The code of the bank guarantee type which is amended for the beneficiary.


The description or name of the code.

Kind of Bank Guarantee

Bank Guarantee ID

The unique identification number of the bank guarantee.


The version number of the bank guarantee.


The status of the bank guarantee for which the amendment is made.

Bank Guarantee Number

The sequence number of the bank guarantee.

Effective Date

The date and time from which the bank guarantee is effective.

Expiry Date

The date and time when the bank guarantee expires.


Trade Type

The type of trade for which the bank guarantee is defined.

Amendment ID

The unique identification number of the amendment associated with the bank guarantee.


The version of the bank guarantee after the amendment.

Amendment Number

The revision number of the bank guarantee.

Amendment Date

The date when the bank guarantee is amended or revised.


The amendment status of the bank guarantee.


If this check box is selected, modification to the bank guarantee is approved.

Responsible Employee

The code of the employee who modifies the bank guarantee.


The name of the employee who modifies the bank guarantee.

Responsible Office

The code of the office which is responsible for the bank guarantees.

Responsible Office

The code of the office that is responsible for bank guarantee.


The description or name of the code.


The currency code in which the bank guarantee amount is expressed.


Bank Guarantee Amount

The total amount payable with respect to the bank guarantee.

Remaining Amount

Instructing Party

The Instructing party of the bank guarantee applicant or beneficiary.


The person responsible for presenting the bank guarantee.


The name of the guarantor specified in the bank guarantee.

Counter Guarantor

The name of the counter guarantor specified in the bank guarantee.

Advising Party

The advising party of the bank guarantee applicant or beneficiary.

Sold-to Business Partner

The sold-to business partner associated with the bank guarantee.

Buy-from Business Partner

The buy-from business partner associated with the bank guarantee.

Ship-from Business Partner

The Ship-to or ship-from business partner of the bank guarantee.

Invoice-from Business Partner

The Invoice-to or invoice-from business partner of the bank guarantee.

Pay-to Business Partner

The Pay-by to pay-to business partner of the bank guarantee.

Exchange Rate Type

The code for the exchange rate between the bank guarantee currency and the home currencies.


The description or name of the code.

Rate Determiner

Determines the currency rate between the bank guarantee currency and home currency.

Rate Date

The date on which the exchange rate is applicable between the bank guarantee amount currency and the home currency.

Rate / Rate Factor

The rate of the bank guarantee currency to the home currencies.

Rate Factor

The factors considered for the rate between the bank guarantee currency and the home currencies.

Advance Payment Amount

The advance amount paid against the bank guarantee amount.

Exclude Advances

If this check box is selected, advance payment amount is not considered.

Installment Amount

Indicates the installment amount paid to the beneficiary by the applicant or supplier, if any.

Exclude Installments

If this check box is selected, the installments.

Allow Document Approval for Not-Issued Bank Guarantee

Determines, if it is allowed to approve a linked document (line) when the bank guarantee is not received / issued.


The status of the bank guarantee after the amendment.


The reason code for the closure or cancellation of the bank guarantee


The description of the reason code.

Modified By

The user who last modified the bank guarantee.

Modified Date

The date on which the bank guarantee is modified.