Bank Guarantee Documents (tcgtc0163m000)

Use this session to view and maintain the documents required for the bank guarantee.


You can access this session only if the Trade Management check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.

You can add, modify, or delete the documents only for the latest version of the bank guarantee and the bank guarantee Status is other than Canceled or Closed.

Field Information

Bank Guarantee ID

The unique identification number of the bank guarantee.


The version of the bank guarantee for which the documents must be defined.


Indicates the sequence number of the bank guarantee document.

Document Type

The code of the type of the document used for the bank guarantee.

Document Reference

The reference to the document, for example, a number provided by the party supplying the document.

Number of Copies

The number of copies of the document.

Number of Originals

The number of original copies required for the document of the bank guarantee.


The additional information about the documents of the bank guarantee, if any.


If this check box is selected, a text related the document linked to the bank guarantee exists.