Performing re-export transfers

Re-export transfers are performed to change the EUS of inventory that was received for a particular EUD and EUS.

To perform a re-export transfer, complete these steps:

  1. In the End User Statements (tcgtc3100m000) session, double-click the target EUS.
  2. Select the Re-Export Declarations tab in the lines section of the End User Statement (tcgtc3600m000) session.
  3. Click New.
  4. In the Re-Export Declaration (tcgtc3610m100) session, complete these steps:
    1. Create an item line and specify the item quantity to be re-exported.
    2. Approve the re-export declaration.
    3. In the Item Lines tab, select the newly created item line.
    4. On the appropriate menu of the Item Lines tab, select Create Re-Export Transfer. A re-export transfer order and order line are created.
    5. On the appropriate menu of the Item Lines tab, select Re-Export Transfer. The Re-export Transfer (whinh1635m000) session is displayed, in which the newly created re-export transfer order and transfer order line are displayed.
  5. In the Re-export Transfer Lines tab of the Re-export Transfer (whinh1635m000) session, click the arrow button of the newly created re-export transfer order line to access the Re-export Transfer Lines (whinh1136m000) session.
  6. In the Re-export Transfer Lines (whinh1136m000) session, specify this information in the Transfer To group box:
    • The target EUS. You can zoom to the End User Statements (tcgtc3100m000) session to select the target EUS.
    • The re-export EUD. You can zoom to the Re-Export Declarations (tcgtc3110m100) session to select the target EUD.
    • The item line of the re-export End User Declaration. You can zoom to the Re-Export Declaration Item Lines (tcgtc3111m100) session to select the target item line.
  7. If required, adjust the default quantity to be re-exported in the Quantity group box.
  8. In the Project Cost Peg Transfer group box, if required, specify the target project details in the Transfer Togroup box.
  9. In the Re-export Transfer Line Details (whinh1137m000) session, complete these steps if applicable:
    • For serialized items, specify the serial numbers to be re-exported.
    • For lot-controlled items, generate the lot number of the target lot if the originating lot is split and the new, split-off lot is the target lot.
    • On the appropriate menu, generate the target serials as needed.
  10. On the appropriate menu of the Re-export Transfer (whinh1635m000) session, click Process to process the re-export transfer order.

After processing the re-export transfer order, these actions are performed:

  • The project pegged inventory is moved from the originating project and EUS to the project pegged inventory of the target project and EUS.
  • In the Item - Lot (whltc1100m000) session or the Item - Serials and Warehouses (whltc5100m000) session, the reference to the EUS is updated to the target EUS.
  • The re-export declaration is updated with the re-export transfer order number, which is displayed in the Export Declaration (gtc3610m100) session.
  • The End User Statement Used for Pegs (tcgtc3507m000) session is updated with the new relation between the target EUS and the target project, activity, and element.

Alternative procedure for creating a re-export transfer

After approving the re-export declaration in step 4 b in the above procedure, complete these steps:

  1. In the Re-export Transfers (whinh1135m000) session, create a new Re-export transfer order.
  2. In the Re-export Transfer (whinh1635m000) session, specify the warehouse and click New in the Re-export Transfer Lines tab.
  3. Continue with step 5 in the above procedure.