EUS and EUD in Warehousing

End User Statements (EUS) are documents that certify that the end user of the exported goods is a trustworthy party who:

  • Is the final recipient of the goods sold.
  • Does not intend to resell the goods.

An EUS is used by a government to restrict the export of goods to certain destinations, such as embargoed countries, or countries with poor human rights records.

This applies in particular to sensitive or highly controlled items such as military grade weaponry.

An end user statement is linked to a demand order such as a sales order or a contract deliverable.

An end user declaration (EUD) is a document that certifies that items or components to be purchased are allowed to be imported. If import licenses are required, references to the licenses are displayed on the EUD.

An end user declaration (EUD) is linked to a purchase order and an EUS. The items or components of the EUD and the purchase order are required to manufacture the end item described in the linked EUS, which in turn is linked to the demand order for which the purchase order is created.

The end user statements and end user declarations are included in the trade compliance checks for the applicable items during the inbound and outbound flows. If a compliance check fails, the inbound or outbound process is blocked.

End user statements and end user declarations are used for low volume lot-controlled or serialized items if project pegging and trade management are implemented.