Declaration Provisos

One or more provisos can be linked to an End User Declaration (EUD) in the End User Declaration (tcgtc3610m000) session. The provisos are present on EUD Item Line level. You can specify the License by Supplier field to indicate that the license is provided by the supplier. If the license is not provided by the supplier, a license must be linked to the EUD item line. In that case provisos are present in the license; for the EUD item line, provisos are not applicable. When the license is handled by the supplier, the license provisos can be specified in the Provisos tab, for the EUD item line.

For re-export EUDs, the provisos can be added on EUD level and not for each item line.

The proviso information is printed on the EUD report and history of the EUD provisos is displayed when Log History checkbox is selected in the Trade Management Parameters (tcgtc0100m000) session.