Test Groups (qmptc0136m000)

Use this session to view test groups by quality ID. Data defined by test group applies to all the characteristics defined for that test group.

In the details session, you can define and/or maintain test groups by quality ID.

Field Information

Standard Test Procedure

quality ID

Test Group Number

test group

Test Type

The method by which the samples are taken from the order quantity.

Allowed values:

  • 100 : All items are inspected. The sample size and the order quantity have the same value.
  • Single Sampling: One sample out of the entire order quantity is inspected.
  • Continuous Sampling: This type of sampling only takes place in case of mass production and is used to control processing.
  • Sampling Rule: A specific rule that states how and when a sample must be taken and the related inspection standard.

The code of the team which executes the test or is responsible for the test group.

Frequency Unit

frequency unit

Note: The frequency unit and the unit of the order quantity do not have to be identical. However, in that case a correct conversion factor is essential. When no conversion is found, the inventory unit of the item is used as frequency unit.


Note: You cannot continue the inspection procedure if the order quantity is less than the frequency quantity (e.g. if the order quantity is 40, and the frequency quantity is 50). In such a case, no samples can be generated, and you must reduce the frequency quantity.

The sample size is the total quantity that is to be tested. In this field, it is expressed as a percentage of either the order quantity or the frequency quantity (if you enter Continuous Sampling in the Test Type field).


Test Type Single Sampling
Order Quantity 10000 20000 pieces
Percentage 1% 1%
Sample Size 100* 200* pieces

* The sample size is automatically updated when the order quantity is changed.

Sample Unit

The unit in which the sample size is expressed. If the sample size is expressed as a percentage, the system will use the unit of the order quantity (which is the inventory unit). The sample unit and the unit of the order quantity do not have to be identical, in which case, however, a correct conversion factor is essential.

Sample Size

The total quantity of all samples which are to be tested out of the order quantity. It is expressed in the unit of the sample size. In this field, it is expressed as a fixed quantity.

Order quantity 10000 20000 pieces
Percentage 0% 0%
Sample Size 50 50 pieces
Test Quantity

The part of the sample quantity that is tested each time. Explanation: A 5 kg sample will be tested by testing 1 kg at a time.

Test Unit

The unit in which the test quantity is expressed.

Sampling Rule

The sampling rule related to the test group.

Note: This field is enabled, if the Test Type field is set to Sampling Rule.

The description or name of the code.

Acceptable Quality Level

The maximum percentage of a test sample that can be rejected for the item quantity to be approved. For example, if the specified Acceptable Quality Level (AQL) is 20%, LN approves the item quantity only if the rejected quantity is less than or equal to 20%.

Note: This field does not apply when you enter 100 % in the Acceptable Quality Level field

Print Test Group Text

If this check box is selected, LN prints the text related to the Test Group Number.