Sending Payment Notice

When the Application for Payment from the subcontractor is registered in the Application for Payment (tdpur6620m000) session, and the application status is In Process, a notification must be sent to the subcontractor if the next activity is Print Payment Notice.

This acknowledgment, also referred to as the Payment Notice, must contain the AFP Applied Amount and the External Reference Number.

You can use the Print Payment Notice option in the Application for Payment (tdpur6620m000) session to access the Print Payment Notice (tdpur6420m200) session. After the acknowledgment is printed (not a draft) the Print Payment Notice activity is set to executed. If the AFP data is modified after the payment notice is printed, the activity is set to Changed. This indicates that the AFP data is modified after the last payment notice is printed and sent to the subcontractor. If you print the payment notice again, the activity is set to executed again.

Note: It is not mandatory to print a modified AFP again.