Item Defaults

Items are revision-controlled objects that are intrinsic to the functional processes supported by PLM Discrete. You can create and update an item. You can also link other items, documents, and folders as a reference to an item. Each item can be revision controlled using the Check In and Check Out operations. You can use the PLM Item (pdpdm1600m000) session to review the details of the item.

Using the Item Defaults (tcibd0102m000) session, you can define the ERP Item defaults.

Get ERP item default data

You can use PLM Item defaults to get ERP Item default data. This is used to populate the ERP item default data for the combination of Item Type and Item Group when you save CAD files to PLM. When an item is created during the Save to PLM, you can select all items or a specific item to retrieve the ERP item default data.