
From the menu you can start the Hours overview. This view displays all the registered hours on service orders and all the registered General Hours by week. In the Settings View, you can specify the number of weeks in the past and in the future for which you would like to view the hours.

In the header the total number of booked hours and the employment hours are displayed. All the hours already registered for that week and the totals for each day of the week, are also visible.

It is possible to add or change General Hours by clicking on the plus sign. The fields general task, labor type, day of the week and duration are mandatory fields and cannot be left empty.

It is not possible to add or change service hours. That needs to be done on the service order itself in Mobile Service.
Note: From LN 10.6 onwards, the Hours functionality can be (de)activated in Mobile Service by (un)selecting the Hours option in the Service User Template (tsmdm1660m000) session.