Move Load (fmlbd4200m100)

Use this session to move the selected load to a different plan. You can access this session directly from the Action menu in the Load (fmlbd4100m100) session.

Note: The data in this session is defaulted from the Load (fmlbd4100m100) session. However, you cannot modify the values except for the Plan field.

Field Information


The current load plan in which the load is located.


The selected load which is moved to a different plan.

Start Address

The code of the (first) load address of the goods that must be transported. A load can have more than one loading and unloading address. This address is replaced if a new shipment is added that has an address with an earlier start date.


The description or name of the code.

End Address

The code of the last unload address. A load can have more than one unload address. This address is replaced if a new shipment is added that has an address with a later end date.


The description or name of the code.

Planned Start Date

The date on which the transportation of the load starts. This is the load date of the first shipment of the load.

Planned End Date

The date on which the transportation of the load ends. A load can have more than one unload address, and each address has a different load and/or unload date and time.


The carrier to transport the goods included in the current load.


The description or name of the code.

Transport Means Group

The transport means group of the means of transport which is used to transport the current load.


The description or name of the code.

Transport Means Combination

The Transport means combination for the selected load.


The description or name of the code.

Means of Transport

The means of transport to transport the load.


The description or name of the code.


The destination plan to which the selected load is moved.

  • This is a mandatory field.
  • You can only move the selected load to the plan if the Expired checkbox is cleared in the Plan (fmlbd0610m000) session for the particular plan.

The description or name of the code.