Move Shipment (fmlbd3200m000)

Use this session to move the selected shipment to a different load or plan or both. You can access this session directly from the Action menu in the Shipment (fmlbd3100m100) session.

Note: The data in this session is defaulted from the Shipment (fmlbd3100m100) session. However, you cannot modify the values except for the Plan and Load field.

Field Information


The code of the load plan of the shipment.


The code of the load to which the shipment belongs.


The code of the shipment which is moved to a different load or plan or both.

Company / Type

The company for which the ship-from location or organization is defined.


The ship-from type for the shipment. This is the type of location or organization from which the goods listed on the shipment lines of the current shipment are loaded and shipped. This value is retrieved from the freight order linked to the shipment.


The ship-from code for the shipment. This is the code of the ship-from location or organization. The ship-from code and the ship-from type are retrieved from the freight order on which the shipment is based.


The description or name of the code.


The address code of the ship-from location or organization.


The description or name of the code.

Load Address

The address at which the shipment is loaded.


The description or name of the code.

Planned Load Date

The date and time when the shipment is loaded at the ship-from location.

Company / Type

The company for which the ship-to location or organization is defined.


The ship-to type for the shipment. This is the type of location or organization for which the goods listed on the shipment lines of the current shipment are destined. This is the location or organization where the goods are unloaded. This value is retrieved from the freight order linked to the shipment.


The ship-to code for the shipment. This is the code of the ship-to location or organization. The ship-to code and the ship-to type are retrieved from the freight order linked to the shipment.


The description or name of the code.


The address code of the ship-to location or organization.


The description or name of the code.

Unload Address

The destination address at which the shipment is unloaded.


The description or name of the code.

Planned Unload Date

The date and time when the shipment is unloaded at the ship-to location.


The plan to which the shipment is moved.

  • This is a mandatory field.
  • You can only move the selected shipment to the plan specified if the Expired checkbox is cleared in the Plan (fmlbd0610m000) session for that particular plan.

The description or name of the code.


The load to which the shipment is moved.

  • The load must be present in the plan specified in the Plan field.
  • The Status of the load specified must be set to Planned or Actual in the Load (fmlbd4100m100) session.
  • The load specified must not be the load for which the flag 'single shipment' is selected.
  • You can move the selected shipment to the specified load even if the ship-from code and ship-to code addresses do not match for both.
  • If the specified load contains multiple shipment lines with the same freight order line, the user is prompted to merge the shipment lines as multiple shipment lines with the same freight order line is not allowed.