Freight Order Lines by Plan (fmlbd3150m100)

Use this session to view the following data that are related to the selected load plan:

  • Freight orders.
  • Freight order lines.
  • Loads.
  • Shipments.
  • Shipment lines.
  • BOM lines.
  • Status.
  • Originating order data.
  • Shipped and ordered quantities.
  • Estimated and actual freight costs.

Field Information


The plan for which freight order and load related data is displayed.

Freight Order

The freight order to which the shipment belongs.


A freight order line on which the load plan is based. A load plan can be based on one or more freight order lines.


A load that belongs to the load plan.


A shipment that belongs to a load. The load, in turn, belongs to the load plan.


A shipment line of the shipment. The shipment belongs to a load, which in turn belongs to the load plan.

BOM Line

The identification number of the component item line.


The Status of the shipment line.

Order Origin

The type of origin of the freight order.

Originating Order

The order number of the originating order of the freight order.

Originating Order Set

The order set of the originating order.


The position number of the originating order.


The sequence number of the originating order line.


The item that must be transported. If the status is Completed or Closed, the item has reached the destination address.

Planned Quantity

The ordered quantity of the item. The ordered quantity can be changed during loading, transport, or unloading.

Storage Unit

The unit used to express the quantity.

Shipped Quantity

The quantity of the item that is transported. This quantity can differ from the ordered quantity due to insufficient loading capacity, damage during loading or unloading, and so on.


The weight of the freight order line.

Weight Unit

The unit used to express the weight of the freight order line.


The volume of the freight order line.

Volume Unit

The unit used to express the volume of the freight order line.

Floor Space

The surface area of the freight order line.

Floor Space Unit

The unit used to express the surface area of the freight order line.


The piece unit quantity of the freight order line.

Piece Unit

The piece unit for the freight order line.

Estimated Freight Cost

The estimated freight costs of the shipment line. The estimated costs are derived from the carrier agreements maintained in the LN Pricing module, or they can be entered manually. The currency used to express the estimated freight costs is the currency defined for the buy-from business partner of the carrier selected for the current shipment line.


The currency used to express the estimated freight cost.

Actual Freight Cost

The actual freight costs of the freight order line.

Actual Cost Final

If this check box is selected, the actual costs of the carrier invoice that have been approved by Financials for the current freight order line. If invoicing is not based on a carrier invoice, this check box is selected when the estimated costs for the load to which the freight order line belongs belongs is made actual and final.