Available Means of Transport (fmlbd0460m100)

Use this session to print lists of available Means of Transport in a selected data range and during a specific time period. If you specify a load, LN uses the addresses of the load to check the travel times with other Actual loads for the Means of Transport.

The report shows the available Means of Transport, the start addresses and the end addresses of the next and the previous Actual load, and the start and the end date of the next and previous Actual load. LN checks if the Means of Transport are available during the full time frame that you enter in this session. If you search for a several days' trip, and the Means of Transport are unavailable at night according to the actual calendar, LN will not find an available Means of Transport.

Field Information

Search for Load

The load for which the available means of transport are retrieved and printed.

Take Actual Calendar Unavailability into Account

If this check box is selected, the actual calendar used for the Means of Transport is used to determine the availability in the selected data range and time frame.

If this check box is cleared, Means of Transport are selected despite their unavailability on account of the actual calendar, for example, because of scheduled maintenance or after work hours.

Take Planned Loads into Account

If this check box is selected, planned loads to which the Means of Transport in the selected time frame and data range are assigned, are used to determine the tentative availability of the Means of Transport.

Print to predefined Device

If this check box is selected, LN selects the default device defined for the user profile to print the report.

Note: By default, this field is checked by LN.