fmlbd domains

Average of Planned Unload Dates

The calculation of the planned dates of the shipment is based on the average date of the planned unload dates of the original orders. All order lines are equally taken into account at all stops to determine the average date. As a result, some of the shipments are delivered somewhat later than the planned unload dates of the originating orders.

Earliest of Possible Dates

The planned dates of the shipment are equal to the earliest possible loading and unloading dates defined in the stop. Use this option if you want the shipment to be delivered or received as soon as possible.

Minimum of Planned Unload Dates

The calculation of the planned dates of the shipment is based on the earliest planned unload dates of the original orders. Load dates are calculated by subtracting the traveling times from the unload dates. If you use this option, all shipments are delivered or received before the planned unload date of the originating orders. If, however, large load date tolerances are used, the shipments are possibly not delivered or received as early as the earliest possible date.

Latest of Possible Dates

The planned dates of the shipment are equal to the latest possible loading and unloading dates defined in the stop. Use this option if you want to postpone delivery or receipt of the shipment as long as possible, for example to enable the transport capacity to be used for rush orders.

Not Applicable

If you use this option, no time window control is applied. Calculation of planned loading and unloading dates of shipments is based on the time windows set in the freight orders.


Delete and/or archive the load plan and all related load, shipment, and shipment line data.


Delete and/or archive the load and all related shipment and shipment line data.


Delete and/or archive the shipment data and all related shipment line data.

Replan Freight Order Lines Separately

New shipment lines are created for the freight order lines that are replanned. The new shipment lines are added to existing loads and shipments if they match with the existing loads and shipments. If they do not match, new shipments and loads are created for the replanned freight order lines.

Combine with Planned Freight Orders

The freight order lines that are replanned, are matched with existing freight order lines, and for these combined lines new shipment lines are created. If the new shipment lines match existing shipments, they are inserted in the existing shipments. If not, new shipments and/or loads are created.


For load building, the carrier and related route plan or standard route with the lowest rates is selected. For freight order clustering, the carrier with the lowest rates is selected. The rates are defined in the carrier rate books in Pricing . For further information, refer to Defining freight rate books and Freight rate retrieval.

If more than one carrier can offer the cheapest rates, the fastest carrier is chosen from these carriers. If more than one carrier can offer the cheapest rates and the shortest delivery times, from these the carrier that takes the shortest route is selected.


For load building, the route plan or standard route and related carrier with the shortest travelling time is selected. LN checks the average speed of the transport means groups of the available carriers, the calendars of the addresses, and standard routes. For freight order clustering, the carrier with the shortest travelling time is selected. LN checks the average speed of the transport means groups of the available carriers.

If more than one carrier can offer the shortest delivery times and the cheapest rates, the carrier that takes the shortest route is selected from these carriers.


LN searches the route plan and/or standard route with the shortest distance and then searches an available carrier.

If more than one carrier takes the shortest route, the cheapest carrier is selected from these carriers. If more than one carrier takes the shortest route and offers the cheapest rates, the carrier with the shortest delivery times is selected from these carriers.

Business Partner

business partner





Work Center

work center

First on Zip Code then on Area

Standard routes are first searched on zip codes, then, if no suitable standard routes related to zip codes are found, on areas.

First on Area then on Zip Code

Standard routes are first searched on areas, then, if no suitable standard routes related to areas are found, on zip codes.

Bad Order

A problem with the order has occurred, such as missing documents or wrong documents.

At Customs

The shipment is at customs.


The shipment has been delivered. The Actual Unload Date field is updated either manually or by EDI message. If the status is updated by EDI message, the status origin is EDI, otherwise the status origin is Manual. The status origin is displayed in the Status Origin field.

Held Consignee Closed

The shipment has reached the customer's warehouse, but the warehouse is closed.

In Progress

The shipment is being transported.

Load Canceled

The shipment or load has been canceled.

Storage in Transit

The shipment is stored by the carrier while in transit.

In Planned and Actual Plans

If you select this option for the Trace Load Plan Changes field, LN records changes made to load plans and related data with the Actual and d Planned statuses. If you select this option for the Log Planning History field, LN maintains history records for load plans and related data with the Actual and Planned statuses.

In Actual Plans

If you select this option for the Trace Load Plan Changes field, LN records changes made to load plans and related data with the Actual status. If you select this option for the Log Planning History field, LN maintains history records for load plans and related data with the Actual status.


If you select this option for the Trace Load Plan Changes field, LN does not record changes made to load plans and related data. If you select this option for the Log Planning History field, LN does not maintain history records for load plans and related data.

Actual Calendar

Unavailability on account of the actual calendar. A Means of Transport is available or unavailable according to the actual calendar of the Means of Transport. If no actual calendar is defined for the Means of Transport, the calendar of the business partner of the carrier associated with the Means of Transport, or the company calendar is used.

For example, a Means of Transport 's actual calendar can show that the Means of Transport is unavailable in weekends and on weekdays between 18:00 and 08:00.

Planned Load

Unavailability because the selected Means of Transport are assigned to Planned loads. A Means of Transport is available for a Plan if the Allow Means of Transport in Multiple Plans check box is selected for this Plan, and the Means of Transport already exists in another Plan that is not yet made Actual during the same time period (so if the Means of Transport exists for Planned loads in other plans, the Means of Transport is available).

Actual Load

Unavailability because the selected Means of Transport are assigned to Actual loads.

Expired Load

Tentative unavailability because the selected Means of Transport are assigned to Expired loads. In fact, Means of Transport become available again after the plan of the loads to which the Means of Transport are assigned is set to Expired. Unavailability on account of Expired Load is a statistical value.

Travel Time

Tentative unavailability because the selected Means of Transport require travelling time to pick up the next load.