EDI transport orders

A transport order is an EDI message that notifies the carrier of the goods to be picked up from the supplier to be transported to the customer.

The purpose is to ensure that the carrier deploys the correct type of vehicle to pick up the goods. The transport order is sent briefly before the carrier is to pick up the goods from the supplier. Optionally, a transport order has a due date, which indicates when the transport order must be published.

Transport orders can be sent by the customer or the supplier. Usually the customer requires the supplier to send transport orders.

The transport order lists the quantity of the goods, the number of containers to be used, the planned shipment date, the total weight, the ship-to address, and so on.

A transport order is published for an individual load. You can publish transport orders for multiple loads at once.

If a load is deleted or changed, you can publish a cancellation or another transport order that lists the changes made to the load, for example, a last-minute change of the quantity of the goods.

Various statuses show the publication stage of the transport orders.

You can publish transport orders for loads that meet these criteria:

  • The Publish Transport Order check box is selected for the load.
  • The load status is earlier than Confirmed
  • Handling units are present for the shipment lines contained in the load.


To use transport orders, BOD publishing must be implemented.

Background BODS

When a transport order is published for a load, a ProcessCarrierRoute BOD and one or more ProcessShipment BODs with type TransportOrder are published. These BODs are directly transferred to Transformation Services (TFS).

The ProcessCarrierRoute BOD which represents the LN load, and the ProcessShipment BODs represent the LN shipments.

In TFS the BODs related to one truckload are combined and stored as one message object with message type Shipment Transport Order. From there, the regular transformation process is performed to create, for example, an EDIFACT DESADV EDI message.

Compose loads when transport orders are implemented

If the use of transport orders applies to a load, a load can only contain shipments based on outbound order lines for which transport orders are enabled. Transport orders are enabled for an outbound order line if the Publish Transport Order check box is selected in the Warehousing Order Types (whinh0110m000) session for the order type of the outbound order line.

Consequently, an error message is displayed if you move a shipment for which transport orders are unavailable to a load for which transport orders are enabled, or vice versa.

When you are composing loads, and an unconfirmed load becomes empty after you move all of its shipments to other loads, the load is deleted automatically, unless a transport order was published for the load. In this case, you must manually delete the empty load. When you delete this load, a dialog is displayed asking you whether to send a transport order cancellation.

If yes, a transport order cancellation is sent to the carrier before deletion. If no, the selected load is deleted without sending a cancellation to the carrier.

You can compose loads and shipments in these sessions:

  • Compose Load (whinh4134m000)

    In this session, you can access the Find Shipments (whinh4830m000) and the Move to Load (whinh4134m200) sessions or use the Move Shipment to Planned Load option.

  • Compose Shipment (whinh4231m000)

    In this session, you can use these sessions and options:

    • Loads
    • Link Shipment to Planned Load
    • Split Line (whinh4231m100)
    • Move to Shipment (whinh4231m200)
    • Move to Planned Load