Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) for handling units

In LN, Radio Frequency Identification is used to identify and track handling units in the outbound and shipping processes. For this purpose, handling units are provided with RFID tags.

RFID tags can be read without being in direct view of the reading device, even if they are covered by outer packaging. Large numbers of RFID tags can be read simultaneously. This considerably speeds up the shipping process at the supplier and the receipt process at the customer, while significantly enhancing the accuracy of these processes.

An RFID tag typically consists of a supplier ID code, a customer ID code, and a serial number that identifies the handling unit.

Note: If you use the Enterprise Modeler Content Pack with LN, consider using the MWH1006 (RFID during Shipping) wizard to enable the creation of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) during shipping. You can execute this predefined wizard from the Wizards by Project Model (tgwzr4502m000) session after you specified the business function model for your company.

RFID tag format

Usually the customer determines the format of the RFID tags. The RFID structures in LN enable you to create the RFID formats required by the customers. An RFID structure consists of various segments. You can add different types of segments to the RFID structures.

Single-use and multi-use

In LN, single-use and multi-use RFID tags are used. The type of RFID tag is specified for the packaging item.

Single-use RFID tags are used only once. The RFID tags and their codes are created by the supplier. The RFID codes are created in the format requested by the customer. The RFID tags are created by printing labels that contain the RFID tag.

During Confirm Pick at the supplier, the tag and the RFID code are created, the RFID code is written to the tag, and the tag is attached to the handling unit.

Multi-use tags are used multiple times. These are attached to relatively expensive reusable handling units, such as pallets or large containers that are provided by the customer. The customer adds their ID to the RFID tag, attaches the tag to the empty handling unit, and sends the handling unit to the supplier. During confirm pick at the supplier’s, the supplier’s own serial number is linked to the RFID tag.

Shipping process

The single-use and multi-use tags are used for various checks. For example, scanning the tags to verify that the handling units about to be loaded at the staging location match the handling units linked to the shipment lines in LN.