Print Special Demand by Item (cpdsp2400m000)

Use this session to print the special demand by plan item as you defined it in the Special Demand by Item (cpdsp2100m000) session.

You can define selection ranges for scenarios, demand dates, and plan items.

Field Information


Specify the first of a range of scenarios that LN must use as a selection criterion to print the special demand.


Specify the last of a range of scenarios that LN must use as a selection criterion to print the special demand.

Demand Date

Enter the first of a range of demand dates for which LN must print the special demand of the specified plan items.

Demand Date

Enter the last of a range of demand dates for which LN must print the special demand of the specified plan items.

From Plan Item

Specify the first of a range of plan items for which LN must print the special demand.

To Plan Item

Specify the last of a range of plan items for which LN must print the special demand.