Using currency formats

You use currency formats to define the precision that LN uses to display and round currencies. You must define a currency format for each currency that you define.

LN can handle a number of different currencies for one logistic company or financial company. The different currencies can require a different degree of precision.

Low degree of precision

Currencies of which the basic unit represents a relatively low value usually require a low degree of precision. Amounts in these currencies are generally presented as whole numbers, such as the Japanese Yen and the Korean Won.

High degree of precision

Currencies whose basic unit represents a relatively high value usually require a high degree of precision. Amounts in these currencies are generally presented with two or more decimals, such as the American dollar, the European Euro, and the Brazilian real.

Format codes

You use format codes to define more than one format for a currency. You can define formats with different degrees of precision to be used for different purposes.

For example, you can calculate invoice amounts with a higher degree of precision than you use to calculate internal costs.