Setting up tax positions and income types
The tax positions and the income types must be setup for using withholding tax functionality
in Thailand Localization:
- Use the Tax Positions (tfgld0120m000) session to maintain the tax positions that are categorized by Income Types in
the Withholding Tax certificate.
Tax codes (kind of tax) must be defined as withholding income tax and tax type must be set to 'On Payments'.
- Withholding tax certificate printed in a specific format is classified by income
Use the Income Types for Reporting (lptha0105m000) session to maintain the relation between tax position (with WHT tax codes) and income types. This enables the grouping of transactions that are displayed in the respective section of the certificate.
You must use the Income Types for Reporting (lptha0105m000) session to maintain the relation between the Income types and the tax positions (with WHT tax codes).