Print Cycle Counting Check Report
To print the cycle counting check report:
- Select Localization > Slovakia > Warehousing.
Click Print Stocktaking report (lpsvk2401m000) session.
Use this session to print a report of physical inventory (materials and
products) counting results. This session allows the users to print a Print
Stock-taking report that is according to Act No. 431/2002 Coll. on
The inventory list must display the following information:
- The business name or designation of an accounting entity
- The stocktaking opening date, date for which the stocktaking was performed, and the stocktaking closing date
- The state of assets, with quantity units and prices
- The place of storage of assets
- The name, surname and signature record of the person materially responsible or person responsible for the respective type of asset
- A list of the actual state of the difference between assets
- The name, surname and signature record of the persons responsible for establishing the actual state of assets and the difference between assets
- Notes related to the financial statements