These reports can be printed with logistic data.
Print Receipt Note
To access the Print Receipt Note (lprou2410m000) session, select . The Receipt Notes must be printed in the layout required by the law. In this session, you can:
- Filter the data to be printed in the report by:
- Order Number, Supplier and Receipt Date.
- Receipt number, Supplier and Receipt Date
- Export the reports as a Flat File version.
- Print Minutes for Materials without Supplier Documents report (If the warehouse accepts the goods and the packing slip or invoice must be received later)
- Print Labels for Warehouse
Print Delivery Receipt, Transfer, Reimbursement
To access the Print Receipt Notes for Production/Transfer Orders (lprou2411m000) session, select . The report must be printed in the layout required by the law. In this session, you can:
- Filter the data to be printed in the report by:
- Order Number and type of the order (JSC Production or JSC Production (Manual)) or By Project
- Receipt Number, Receipt date and Receiving Warehouse
- Re-print the Original Documents
- Select to Print:
- Centralized Documents Already Printed
- Labels for Warehouse
- Currency (by default set to RON)
Print Consumption Note for Production
To access the Print Consumption Note for Production (lprou6223m000) session, select . The report must be printed in the layout required by the law. In this session, you can:
- Filter the data to be printed in the report by:
- Order Number and Type of the Warehouse Order
- Project, Warehouse, Consumption Date and Item Group
- Select to Print:
- Internal Packing Slip
- Summarized Report for each Warehouse/Work Center/ Item
- Original or Copy of the report
- Currency (by default set to RON)
Print Consumption Note – Inventory Adjustment
To access the Print Consumption Note - Inventory Adjustment (lprou6263m100) session, select . The report must be printed in the layout required by the law. In this session, you can:
- Filter the data to be printed in the report by the Type of the Adjustment order (Adjustments or Cycle Counting Order) and Order Number
- Select to print Currency (by default set to RON)