The sales and the purchase VAT reports can be printed using the tax sub module. The report layout is based on the value defined in the Columns to be printed and the Tax Codes to be included field in the Tax Positions (tfgld0120m000) and the Relations by Tax Position (tfgld0521m000) sessions. These sessions can be used to print reports:
- Print Tax Purchase Journal (lprou1401m100): Use this session to print the report on A3 or A4 size paper depending on the number of columns in the report.
- Print Tax Purchase Journals having Tax on Payment (lprou1401m200): Use this session to print the purchase journal for the business partners with “Tax on payment” option.
- Print Tax Sales Journal (lprou1410m000): Use this session to print the tax sales journal and also check if there are documents for which the VAT code has not been correctly set up in Relations by Tax Position (tfgld0521m000) session. An exception report is printed for these documents.
Declaration D394
This sub module can be used to generate the monthly VAT report for domestic transactions. You can set the criteria used for excluding/including documents from being printed in the report using the Declaration 394 Parameters (lprou2140m000) session. The criteria for printing the report can be:
- Transaction type
- Specific documents to be excluded
- Specific documents to be included
- Specific customers/ suppliers to be excluded
This data can also be set using Reference menu:
- Tax code – waste code: This is used for sell or purchase of different types of scrap
- Specific operation for reimbursement
- Invoice annual series
- Transaction Types for Receipt and Simple Invoices
Use the Declaration 394 (OPANAF 2264/2016) (lprou2439m000) session to print a report of the domestic VAT transactions and generate an XML file which can be imported in the fiscal authorities application.
Declaration D300
Use the Declaration D300 Parameters (lprou3130m000) session to set up the parameters and the required information such as VAT Statement Type, Fiscal ID, Bank and so on to generate and process invoices. These are the sessions to generate and process the invoices:
- Generate D300 (lprou3231m000): This session is used to generate the invoices for the year and period.
- Generated Invoices D300 (lprou3531m000): This session displays the values for Sales/Purchase generated for each period. You can modify or eliminate the invoices, if needed. You can use the Details Generated Invoices D300 and Process D300 option from the Actions menu to view the details of the generated invoices and Process the invoices.
- Process D300 (lprou3231m100): This session is used to generate the XML file to be imported in the fiscal authorities’ application.
Declaration D390
- Tax Codes by Kind of Transaction (lprou3103m000)
- Update 390 Statement with Purchase (lprou7400m000): This session is used to update purchase invoices tables in case of receipts from member states of the European Union.
- Process 390 Statement (lprou7400m100): This session is used to check and update mandatory fields for Sales/Purchase reporting file. If the information is missing, an error is reported and an exception messages is displayed.
- Generate 390 Statement (lprou7400m200): This session is used to calculate values for Sales/Purchase reporting file.
- Display/Print 390 Statement and Create XML File (lprou3501m000): This session is used to display and print the value for Sales/Purchase listing.
Split VAT
- Business Partners Subject to Split VAT (lprou3121m000): This session is used to add the business partners with split VAT after the VAT account for these business partners is specified in the standard Bank session.
- Invoices Due (lprou3522m000): This session is used to display all the due invoices.
- Print Invoices Due (lprou3422m000): This session is used to print the due invoices.