Israel e-Invoicing process

The e-Invoicing process for Israel localization includes these steps:
  • Submit to external invoicing
  • Items classification
  • Purchase invoices
  • Tax declaration

When an invoice is composed in the Invoicing module of Infor LN and Use External Invoicing System check box is selected for the invoice in the Invoices (cisli3105m000) session, the authorization from the Israeli Tax Authority (ITA) must be collected.

You can execute the submit to external invoicing action before the invoice is printed and posted. Infor LN allows you to send invoices to an external system using the Compose/Print/Post Invoices (cisli2200m000) session. This action initiates the transmission of the invoice content, which is stored in a SyncInvoice BOD, from Infor LN to Infor Localization Service Platform (LSP) by ION. Infor LSP generates the Israeli e-invoice “json” file and ensures that this confirms to the design and content of the Israeli format. LSP connects to the ITA portal through a dedicated gateway.

Note: See the Infor LSP user and admin guides for more information about the settings, including details of the issuing entity, default values, translations, and connectivity setup.

The e-invoice json is available for download in LSP. The XML file can also be automatically transferred to the client or archived through Infor IDM.

Infor ION can provide feedback and reject reasons to Infor LN. The information is stored in the Document Identifiers and signatures (tcgen1500m000) session. The feedback includes the status, the error message and, whether the communication is successful, the allocation number stored in the External UUID field.

Note: See the LSP documentation for information about the emergency allocation number functionality.
Infor LN allows you to print and post the invoice on receipt of approval. The printed LN invoice includes the allocation number. These input fields are available for personalizing the invoice report using Report Designer:
  • – last 9 characters from External UUID
  • – remaining initial characters, up to 16

In the Invoice BOD, after posting the invoice, the allocation number is included in element InvoiceHeader/AlternateDocumentID/ID with schemeName=lcl.Government for possible further processing of the BOD. Also, the tax declaration must be initialized.