Creating a customs invoice
To create a customs invoice, execute these steps:
- Select Financials > General Ledger > Journal Voucher Entry > Transactions. The Transactions (tfgld1101m000) session is displayed.
- Specify the required data in the header section and click New on the Transaction Types tab.
- Select API in the Transaction Type field and press Tab.
- Click Go to Details for the API transaction line. The Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000) session is displayed.
- Click New to create a customs invoice.
- Verify that Invoice Related to Purchase Orders is selected in the Invoice Type field.
- Select or specify the business partner in the Business Partner field for whom the Customs Office check box is selected and press Tab.
- Verify that the Customs Invoice check box is selected, and the business partner related data is updated in the invoice header.
- Verify that the Supplier Invoice field is updated to Import Reference field.
- Specify the customs clearance document number in the Import Reference field.
Specify the invoice amount in the Amount field of the Amounts section.
Note: This invoice is considered as a tax only invoice as this is a customs invoice.
- Click Save.
- Verify that the data on the Matched Lines tab is automatically updated with the order line related to the import purchase order and the Invoice Status is updated to Matched.
- Verify that the Tax Consistent field is set to Not Checked on the Matched Lines tab.
- Select Actions > Generate Tax Transactions in the invoice header to generate the tax transactions.
- Click OK when prompted with the message that the net invoice amount is not completely assigned.
- Click the Tax Lines tab to specify the tax related data for the customs invoice.
- Review the default tax related data generated for the invoice.
- Verify that the tax amount is defaulted in the Tax Base Amount field and Tax Amount fields. However, you can modify these values.
- Click Save.
- Verify that the Tax Consistent field is updated to Yes and Registration Data Consistent field is updated to Accepted on the Matched Lines tab.
- Click Approve to approve the customs invoice.
- Verify that the Invoice Status is updated to Approved.