Creating a landed cost invoice
To create a landed cost invoice, execute these steps:
- Select Transactions (tfgld1101m000) session is displayed. . The
- Specify the required data in the header section and click Transaction Types tab. on the
- Select Transaction Type field and press . in the
- Click Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000) session is displayed. for the transaction line. The
- Select Invoice Related to Landed Costs is selected in the Invoice Type field.
- Select or specify the business partner for landed costs in the Business Partner field and press Tab.
- Specify the supplier invoice number in the Supplier Invoice field and click .
- Specify the landed costs amount in the Amount field of the Amounts section and click .
- Select Match Landed Cost Lines (tfacp2144m000) session is displayed. . The
- Select the landed cost lines related to the purchase order and click .
- Click Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000) session is displayed. . The
- Verify that the matched landed cost lines are displayed on the Matched Lines tab.
- Select in the invoice header to generate the tax data for the landed cost invoice.
- Verify that the Tax Consistent field is updated to Yes and Registration Data Consistent field is updated to Yes on the Matched Lines tab.
- Verify that the tax line is created for the landed cost invoice based on the purchase order and is displayed on the Tax Lines tab.
- Click to approve the landed cost invoice.
- Verify that the Invoice Status is updated to Approved.
- Click Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000) session. in the