Advance invoicing processing

To process the advance invoices in Croatian localization, execute these steps:

  1. Finalize the batches with financial documents related to advance receipt transactions in General Ledger.
    1. Select Financials > General Ledger > General Ledger Diagnostics Workbench. The General Ledger Diagnostics Workbench (tfgld1590m000) session is displayed.
    2. You can use the General Ledger Diagnostics Workbench (tfgld1590m000) session to verify that all the related batches are successfully finalized.
    3. Click Save changes and exit in the General Ledger Diagnostics Workbench (tfgld1590m000) session.
  2. Assign advance receipts to sales invoices in the Assign Unallocated/Advance Receipts to Invoices (tfcmg2105s000) session.
  3. Select Localization > Croatia > Advance Invoicing > Generate Advance Invoices. The Generate Advance Invoices (lphrv2201m000) session is displayed.
    1. Specify the required data in the Selection group box and specify other options in the Optionsgroup box, if required.
    2. Click Generate to generate the advance invoices.
    3. Click Close in the Generate Advance Invoices (lphrv2201m000) session.
  4. Select Localization > Croatia > Advance Invoicing > Advance Invoices. The Advance Invoices (lphrv2501m000) session is displayed.
    1. Maintain additional data for the composed advance invoices, if required.
      Note: You can modify the composed additional invoice data only if the Advance Invoice Status field is set to Ready to Print.
    2. Click Save changes and exit in the Advance Invoices (lphrv2501m000)
  5. Select Localization > Croatia > Advance Invoicing > Print Advance Invoices. The Print Advance Invoices (lphrv2401m000) session is displayed.
    1. Specify the range of data Selection group box for which the advance invoices must be printed.
    2. Select the Draft option to print the draft invoice and select the Originaloption in the Print field of the Print Options group box to print the final invoice.
      Note: In case of printing the final invoice, the unique invoice number is generated for the advance invoice.
    3. Click Print Advance Invoices to print the advance invoices.
    4. Click Close in the Print Advance Invoices (lphrv2401m000) session.
  6. Select Localization > Croatia > Advance Invoicing > Archive /Delete Advance Invoices. The Archive / Delete Advance Invoices (lphrv2201m900) session is displayed.
    1. Specify the range of finally printed advance invoices in the Selection Range group box that must be archived or deleted.
    2. Specify the required options in the Print Options and Archive/Delete group boxes.
    3. Click Continueto delete or archive the finally printed advance invoices.
    4. Click Close in the Archive / Delete Advance Invoices (lphrv2201m900) session.