Print Equivalent Purchase Invoice

The Equivalent Purchase Invoice or Supporting Document in Acquisitions made to non-obligated to invoice, is the document that supports the purchase of a good or the rendering of a service when the supplier is a subject not obliged to issue electronic invoices.
This session allows you to print the document supporting the purchase.
Code Description Path
lpcol2400m100 Print Equivalent Purchase Invoice Localization/ Colombia / Auxiliary Reports / Print Equivalent Purchase Invoice
  • Financial Company: The field shows the current financial company where the report is generated.
  • Type of period: Lists with options are Fiscal, Reporting and Tax.
  • Year: Applicable year for the report. Goes to the Fiscal Years (tfgld0556m000) session.
  • Period: Range of the period for the report. Zoom to the Periods (tfgld0105m000) session. You must zoom to the corresponding record, taking into account the Period type field.
  • Transaction type: Type of transaction. It zooms to Transaction types (tfgld0511m000).
  • Document: Document number. Zooms to Document history (tfgld1504m000) session.
  • Concepts: In this field you can add items that were not recorded in the document.
  • Update Record: If this box is checked, the system assigns a consecutive document number. If not checked, the document is a preview.

Remark: Only prints Finalized documents.

print section concept

conformation of purchase for subjects who are not obliged to invoice