Receive an invoice note
To receive an invoice note for the purchase order:
- Select Actions > Create Brazilian Invoice in the header section of the warehouse receipt to submit the receipt to the Tax Engine.
Click OK when the “Brazilian
invoices are created from 1 receipt line(s).” message is displayed.
Note: This process generates a receipt invoice in the Match Receipt Lines to Fiscal Document (btrec1101m000) session.
Select the receipt invoice line on the Receipt tab in the Match Receipt Lines to Fiscal
Document (btrec1101m000) session and click Actions > Mark to Link to select the receipt line to link with the fiscal
Note: Verify that the Receipt Fiscal Document Type is Triangular Operation Purchase Invoice for the receipt invoice line on the Receipt tab.
- Verify that the Linked check box is selected and the User field is updated with the login ID of the user for the receipt invoice line.
- Verify that the receipt invoice line is selected and click Actions > Link Receipt Line. The Link Receipt Line to Fiscal Document (btrec1200s100) session is displayed.
- Specify the required data in the Issue Date, Fiscal Document, Series, and the Document Type fields and click Link. The process is completed and the fiscal receipt document is generated with the fiscal reference number.
- Access the Fiscal Receipt (btrec2100m000) session and click Go to Details related to the fiscal receipt document. The Fiscal Receipt (btrec2100m900) session is displayed.
- Verify the data in the Fiscal Document Type Code field and the Receipt Fiscal Document Type is Triangular Operation Purchase Invoice in the Document section.
- Click Go to Details related to the receipt line on the Receipt Lines tab. The Receipt Lines – Details (btrec2101m900) session is displayed.
- Review the tax details of the fiscal receipt line on the Receipt Lines – Taxes tab.
- Verify that the payment schedule is defined for the invoice on the Receipt Installments tab as this is an invoice note.
- Verify that the fiscal receipt invoice document is selected in the Fiscal Receipt (btrec2100m000) session and click Actions > Approve/Integrate to approve the invoice and integrate with the purchase order.
- Verify that the fiscal receipt invoice document is selected in the Fiscal Receipt (btrec2100m000) session and click Actions > Financial Integrations. The Financial Integrations (btrec2100m910) session is displayed.
- Verify that the Accounted check box is selected for the fiscal receipt invoice document.
- Verify that the data related to the tax recovery is updated on the Tax Variance Details tab in the Receipt Order Tax Variances (lpbra1143m000) session because the invoice includes the recovered ICMS tax amount which impacts the cost of the product.
- Verify that the inventory variances of the item are automatically processed and updated in the Inventory Variances (whina1516m000) session.
- Verify that the MAUC [BRL] (by Warehouse) for the item is updated in the Inventory Receipt Transactions (whina1512m000) session.
- Verify that the third-party triangular purchase data is updated in the Simple Quantity Invoiced field of the Receipt Order Quantities (btfdc0150m500) session.