Creating a purchase order
To create a purchase order, execute these steps:
- click New in the Purchase Order Intake Workbench (tdpur4601m200) session. The Purchase Order (tdpur4100m900) session is displayed.
- Select your foreign business partner in the Business Partner field.
- Press Tab. Infor LN populates the default data for the selected business partner
- Select the purchase order type P08 (Automatic PO) in the Order Type field.
- Select the purchased item to be imported in the Item field on the Order Lines tab.
- Specify the quantity and price in the Ordered Quantity and the Price fields respectively.
- Select the order line on the Order Lines tab.
Click References > Landed Costs by Purchase Order. The Landed Cost Lines by Purchase Order
(tclct2100m300)session is displayed.
Note: Review the parameters defined in the landed costs module. Verify that the Calculation Method is Fixed Amount and a value of zero is specified. This value is updated with the actual values in the receipt of the Import Declaration (DI).