Receiving simple shipment invoice

Create a manual warehouse transfer order to move the inventory from the third party (NPT) warehouse to the customer warehouse and receive the invoice shipment. To create a manual warehouse transfer order, execute these steps:

  1. In the Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000) session click New. The Warehousing Order (whinh2100m100) session is displayed.
  2. Select Transfer (Manual) in the Order field and verify that Transfer is displayed in the Transaction Type field.
  3. Select the third party (NPT) warehouse in the third segment of the Code field in the Ship-from field on the Warehouse Order tab.
  4. Press Tab. The warehouse related data is populated in the other fields.
  5. Select the customer (LN) warehouse in the third segment of the Code field in the Ship-to field on the Warehouse Order tab.
  6. Press Tab. The warehouse related data is populated in the other fields.
  7. Select the order type of Transfer in the Order Type field.
  8. Select the item that must be transferred in the Item field of the Outbound Lines tab.
  9. Verify that the same item is updated on the Inbound Lines tab.
  10. Select the outbound order line on the Order Lines tab.
  11. Click References > Status. The outbound Order Line Status overview (tdpur4534m000) session opens.
  12. Verify that the Generate Outbound Advice and Release Outbound Advice activities are automatically executed in the Activities section.
  13. Click Actions Freeze/Confirm. The Shipment Lines session is displayed.
  14. Click Confirm to confirm the shipment of the item from the third party warehouse (NPT).
    Note: This indicates that the inventory is shipped from the third party (NPT) warehouse and the same must be received in the customer (LN) warehouse.
  15. Select the inbound line on the Inbound Lines tab.
  16. Click References > Status. The Inbound Line Status Overview (whinh2119m000) session is displayed.
  17. Click Actions > Receive. The Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000) session is displayed.
  18. Select Actions > create Brazilian Invoice
    Note: This process issues the receipt of simple shipment invoice and is updated in the Match Receipt Lines to Fiscal Document (btrec1101m000) session with the Receipt Fiscal Document Type field set to Simple Shipment of Future Purchase Receiving.
  19. Select the purchase order related to the shipment in the Reference Order field.
  20. Select the receipt line on the Receipt tab in the Match Receipt Lines to Fiscal Document (btrec1101m000) session.
  21. ClickActions > Mark to link.
  22. Click Actions > Link Receipt Line. The Link Receipt Line to Fiscal Document (btrec1200s100) session is displayed.
  23. Review or specify the required data and click Link. The fiscal document is generated with the generated Fiscal Reference number.
  24. Review the data in the Fiscal Document Type Code and the Receipt Fiscal Document Type fields in the Document section.
  25. Click the Go to Details button for the receipt line on the Receipt Lines tab. The Receipt Lines – Details (btrec2101m900) session is displayed.
  26. Review the data in the header section and the tax details of the fiscal receipt line on the Lines – Taxes tab.
    Note: The payment schedule is not defined for this invoice as the payment is done for the inventory is done in advance.
  27. Verify that your fiscal receipt is selected in the Fiscal Receipt (btrec2100m000) session.
  28. Click Actions > Approve/Integrate to approve the invoice and integrate with the order.
  29. Review the entries generated on the Journal Details tab of the Integration Transactions (tfgld4582m000) session.
    Note: The fiscal document includes the ICMS recovery which impacts the cost of the product. On the approval of invoice, Infor LN generates data related to the recovery value of the tax in the Receipt Order Tax Variances (lpbra1143m000) session.
  30. Review the transactions related to recovery value of the tax on the Tax Variance Details tab in the Receipt Order Tax Variances (lpbra1143m000) session.
  31. Review the data updated on the Ledger Account tab. The data is updated from the mapping scheme and the ledger account of another line is updated in from the mapping scheme.
  32. The Ledger Account field using the Actions > Update Tax Ledger Account option based on the accounting setup defined in the Tax Engine.
  33. Select Actions > Post Tax Variance to post the tax variance data.
  34. Review the posting data and the generated financial documents on the Posting Details tab.
  35. Verify that the related inventory variances are automatically processed in the Inventory Variances (whina1516m000) session.
  36. Verify that the cost is updated in the MAUC [BRL] (by Warehouse) field on the Transactions tab of the Inventory Receipt Transactions (whina1512m000) session.