Reversal of fiscal note

To reverse a fiscal note:

  1. Select the fiscal document with Receipt Status set to Approved in the Fiscal Receipt (btrec2100m000) session and click Actions > Reverse Receipts. The Reverse Receipts (btrec2200m000) session is displayed.
  2. Verify that the fiscal reference is selected in the Fiscal Reference field and click Reverse.
  3. Click OK when the “Process completed.” message is displayed and click Close. The Receipt Status is updated to Reversed.
  4. Verify that the transactions related to tax variance postings (of the local pack and LN) in the Receipt Order Tax Variances (whina1143m000) session and the Inventory Variances (whina1516m000) session are also reversed on performing the reversal of the fiscal receipt.
    Note: You can use the MAUC Correction by Item (whina1231m000) session to adjust the cost of the goods based on the business definition for each customer.