Closed warehouse sale
This is issued by the depositor (factory) to the customer, where the billing address is the factory and the dispatcher is the closed warehouse. This is used to make a sale from the closed warehouse.
Create a fiscal document type code of sale from closed warehouse in the Fiscal
Document Type Code (lpbra0101m000) session with this data:
- Transaction Origin – set to Outbound
- Receipt – set to Not Applicable
- Invoicing – set to Closed Warehouse Sale
Create a fiscal document type matrix in the Fiscal Document Type Code Matrix
Definition (lpbra0102m000) session with this data:
- Transaction Origin – set to Outbound
- Source Type – set to Sales Order
- Order Origin – set to Not Applicable
- Select the generic sales order type (Sales Order Automatic) in the Order Type field of the General section
- Select Warehouse Fiscal Definition - From field of the General section in the
- Select the sale fiscal document code from closed warehouse in the Fiscal Document Type Code field of the Search Data section