Print options in Generate Projected Shipments session
These print options have been added to the Generate Projected Shipments (whinh4230m200) session:
- Print Shipments: If this check box is selected, a report is printed that lists all the created shipments.
- Print Errors: If this check box is selected, an error report is printed.
Shipment Execution Workbench
These improvements have been made in the User Settings of the Shipment Execution Workbench (whinh8361m000):
- The Initial View field has been added, which can be set to Day View or Week View.
- Shipment planners, who are usually responsible for several sold-to business partners, can now select multiple sold-to business partners.
If the Default View is set to Load, you can now perform these actions:
- Print the pick and load sheet directly from the workbench menu.
- Start the Compose Shipping Structure (whinh4140m100) session from the menu of the load detail panel.
- Search for a load.