
Archive General Data report

These improvements have been made to the General Archive Data (tccom0250m000) session:

  • It is now optional to print a report.
  • The report layout has been changed.
  • A new option is available to print only the changed tables instead of all tables.

GTC - usability improvements

GTC now supports these usability improvements:

  • Creation of licenses for export or import.
  • Copying a canceled license.
  • Visibility of the License Status and ID on all tabs (General, Limits, and Miscellaneous).
  • Multiple linking from the License session to End User Declarations (EUD) and End User Statements (EUS).
  • Multiple linking of an EUS to multiple contract deliverables. If EUS is not required, multiple linking of a license to multiple contract deliverables.

GTC - end user statements in Field Service and Depot Repair

End user statements can now also be used by service objects, such as maintenance sales orders (part delivery), and field service orders (material lines).

GTC - extension of failure message

Previously, the Failure Reason Code in the Document Check Results (tcgtc1610m000) session was only used to determine the cause of a GTC failure, but it was not always informative.

Now, the failure message in the Document Check Results (tcgtc1610m000) session and similar sessions has been extended to record more details about the cause of the GTC failure. For example, the failure message now contains details of quantities or amounts that have been exceeded.

Net change for Apply Latest Permissions

The Apply only New and Changed Documents check box has been added to the Apply Latest Permissions (tcsec3200m000) session. If this check box is selected, only documents are processed that are new or for which the characteristics that control the document's authorization have changed.

The new check box is used to apply permissions only for new and changed documents. It should not be used for a change in permission settings. If it is used to change permission settings, a full run of Apply Latest Permissions (tcsec3200m000) must be performed, because the permission settings for all documents can be affected.

Taxation - new legal intrastat requirements

From 2022, Intrastat requires these new data elements from exporters:

  • The VAT number of the partner company (importer)
  • The country of origin for the exported goods

The Business Partner Identification Number is an existing attribute in the Intrastat Transactions (tccom7171m000) session. If the business partner has an identification number in the partner country (ship-to country), then this identification number is automatically retrieved by LN CE. If the business partner does not have an identification number in the partner country, this number could not previously be retrieved and remained blank. Before processing intrastat transactions, the business partner identification number can be manually specified or modified.

Intrastat logging and processing have been improved to retrieve a default business partner identification number if it is not known. These additional parameters can be specified in the Intrastat Parameters (tccom7500m000) and Intrastat Parameters by Country (tccom7107m000) sessions:

  • Defaults for Business Partner Identification Number when Empty
  • Defaults for Business Partner Identification Number when Temporary
  • Defaults for Business Partner Identification Number when Empty (Triangular)

These fields are used as defaults when creating intrastat transactions, if the business partner identification number is empty.

The same fields are also available in the Process Intrastat Transactions (tccom7271m000) session and are applied if the business partner identification number is blank when creating the intrastat file. This session can be used for data created before defaults were specified in the Intrastat Parameters.

Note: The fiscal ID is no longer considered as business partner identification number for intrastat.

The Country of Origin is also an existing attribute in the Intrastat Transactions (tccom7171m000) session, which is filled based on the country of origin specified in the Item Data. This country can now be modified manually to take into account the country of origin specified in warehouse shipments.