ASN cancellation
Previously, when a purchase order was sent to Supplier Exchange and an Advanced Shipment Notice (ASN) was sent back from Supplier Exchange, the purchase order line could not be updated in LN CE. If the ASN was canceled from Supplier Exchange, the purchase order line could not be updated if the ASN still existed.
Now, the Remove Cancelled ASNs Automatically check box has been added to the Inventory Handling Parameter session. If this check box is selected, canceled ASNs are removed automatically after which the purchase order line can be updated.
DUNS number for warehouse
Some automotive Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) require their suppliers to specify the Data Universal Number System (DUNS) identification numbers of the issuing warehouses on Advance Shipping Notices (ASNs) sent through EDI.
Consequently, the DUNS Number field has been added to the Warehouses (whwmd2500m000) session. This alphanumeric field includes a unique identification code that meets official DUNS number standards, as received from the DUNS system. Optionally, this number can be printed on shipping documents.
Kanban integration
If Factory Track is integrated with LN Warehousing, these features are now supported:
- Automatically release of production orders, which can be specified on item – warehouse level.
- Specification of a dedicated run number for supply orders generated for Kanban signals. This run number can be configured for warehouses and default order types by origin.
Overdelivery during outbound advice run
For scenarios with identified handling unit structures, more flexibility is provided when generating outbound advices for overdeliveries.
Previously, only the manual outbound-advice process allowed overdeliveries. Now, automatic processes and batch processes are also supported in the Generate Outbound Advice (whinh4201m000) and Process Outbound Advice (whinh4200m000) sessions.
To enable the generation of outbound advices for overdeliveries, the Overdelivery Allowed check box has been added. This check box is applicable only for scenarios with handling units registered in inventory. If this check box is selected, if insufficient inventory is available, and if the required item is available only in a non-splittable handling unit that is too big, the complete handling unit is still included in the advice, which leads to overdelivery. The overdelivery quantity must fall within the boundaries that have been set for the outbound order line.