Creating a new call request
To create a new call request:
- Click New Request to create a new call request. The New Request screen is displayed.
Specify this information:
- Subject
- Specify the title for the call request.
- Message
- Specify a detailed description of the request.
- Sold to BP
- The sold to BP value is defaulted from the mobile application settings.
- Urgency
- Set the priority for the cal request.
- Item Code
- The code of the item for which the request is created. You
can select the item for the data that is displayed.Note: A minimum of three characters of the item code must be specified for the applicable item codes to be displayed. The data is retrieved from the Items - Service (tsmdm2100m000) session in LN.
- Serial Number
- The serial number of the item. The serial number of the item is displayed only if the item is serialized in LN.
Click Attachment. You can capture a
new image or select an existing image.
Note: When you select a record in the Calls (tsclm1600m100) session, the attachment related to the Call request is displayed in the Related Information context app for LN in Infor OS.
- Click Submit. A new call is created in the Calls (tsclm1600m100) session.