Service Order Details

This screen displays the details of the service order. This screen includes these information:

  • Service Order Number: The service order number of the item.
  • Description: The description of the service order.
  • Status: The status of the service order.
  • Sold-to BP: The sold-to-business partner.
  • Contact: The contact number or address linked to the service order.
  • Service Office: The service office linked to the service order.
  • Installation Group: The installation group linked to the service order.
  • Item: The code of the item linked to the service order.
  • Serial Number: The serial number of the item.
  • Planned Start Time: The date and time when the service order is planned to start.
  • Planned Finish Time: The date and time when the service order is planned to finish.
  • Coverage Contract: A classification of the activities and costs related to a call, according to the terms that have been defined in the contract.
  • Pricing Contract: The contract used for the pricing of the item.
  • Warranty Type: The type of warranty applicable to the item.
  • Warranty: The warranty applicable for the item.
  • Effective date: The date and time from when the service order is effective.
  • Expiry date: The date and time when the service order expires.
  • Pricing Method: The pricing method linked to the service order.
  • Sales Price: The sales price of the item.