Configuring Items/Production Orders

You can set the status of the Item/Production Order to Assigned or Rejected.

  1. Select Item/Product in the As- Built Headers screen in the As Built Scanning application.
    • The As-Built Status Handling field is set to Manual in the Production Settings by Site (timfc0180m000) session, you can set the status of As-Built Header serial to Rejected.
    • The Set to Rejected button on the toolbar menu in the Serial End Item – As-Built Headers (timfc0110m000) session must be selected.
  2. Select Item/Product in the As- Built Headers (Production Orders Details) screen. The As- Built Components screen is displayed.
  3. Click ellipses.
  4. Select the Set to Rejected or Set to Assigne option.
    Note: This option is enabled only when the status of Production Order is set to Released and when the As-Built Header with serial status is set to Created or Assigned.
  5. Click Yes when the warning message is displayed.
    Note: You can use these options to use the Set To Rejected and Set To Assigned options:
    • You can select one of the serial headers with the status created or assigned in the As-Built Headers list level. Select the Set To Rejected option on the header level action. Select the Set To Assigned option on the header level action.
    • You can also use the scanning option to scan the QR/Barcode of the As-Built Serial Header. Select Set To Rejected option on the header level action. Select Set To Assigned option on the header level action.