Creating requisition
To create a new requisition:
Click Add New Requisition on the
Requisitions screen. Possible options:
- Use Template: Allows you to use one of the defined requisition templates for creating the requisition.
- New Requisition: Allows you to create a new requisition.
- Dismiss: Allows you to cancel the process and return to the home screen.
- Select the New Requisition option to create a new requisition. The New Requisition screen is displayed.
- Specify this information:
- Requisition
- The requisition number series.Note: The requisition number series is defaulted from the Purchase User Profile (tdpur0143m000) session in Infor LN. However, you can modify the value.
- Purchase Office
- The purchase office responsible for buying and procuring the requisition
items.Note: This value is defaulted from the Settings screen in the app. However, you can modify the value.
- Status
- The status is set to Created when a new requisition is created. You cannot modify the status.
- Buyer
- The buyer responsible for buying the requisition
items.Note: This value is defaulted from the Settings screen in the app. However, you can modify the value.
- Currency
- The accepted medium of exchange such as coins, treasury
notes, and banknotes.The following currency types are available in LN:
- Home currency, which is used internally by companies to calculate costs, record budgets, and register tax amounts.
- Transaction currency, which is used in transactions with business partners, such as orders and invoices.
Note: Currency is picked from Purchase office’s Financial company’s currency, if purchase office is empty then company’s local currency will be defaulted. - Requester Department
- The code and description of the department associated with the requester. You cannot modify the value.
- Reference A
- The first of two user-defined fields that you can use to retrieve information for purchase reporting and maintain purchase requisitions grouped by the reference.
- Reference B
- The second of two user-defined fields that you can use to retrieve information for purchase reporting and maintain purchase requisitions grouped by the reference.
- Requested Date
- The date on which the requested item must be received.
- Urgent
- If this check box is selected, the requisition is displayed as urgent on the home page of the buyer.
- Approver Department
- The department responsible for approving the requisition
that is created.Note:
- This value is defaulted from the Settings screen in the app. However, you can modify the value.
- The list of departments displayed is retrieved from the Approvers (tdpur2105m000) session in Infor LN.
- Site
- The site for which the requisition is created.Note:
- This field is displayed only if the selected company has the Site value as Active in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0500m000) session in Infor LN.
- This value is defaulted from the Settings screen in the app. However, you can modify the value.
- The list of sites displayed is retrieved from the Sites (tcemm0150m000) session in Infor LN.
- Warehouse
- The warehouse where the requisition items are
stored.Note: This value is defaulted from the Settings screen in the app. However, you can modify the value.
- Receipt Address
- The address where the requisition items are
received.Note: This value is defaulted as the selected warehouse address. However, you can modify the value.
- Project
- The project for which the requisition items are
requested.Note: This value is defaulted from the Settings screen in the app. However, you can modify the value.
- Element
- The element based on the selected project.Note:
- This field is enabled, only if the project specified in the Project field is an element-based project.
- This value is defaulted from the Settings screen in the app. However, you can modify the value.
- Activity
- The activity based on the selected project.Note:
- This field is enabled, only if the project specified in the Project field is an activity-based project.
- This value is defaulted from the Settings screen in the app. However, you can modify the value.
- Extension
- The extension based on the selected project.Note:
- This field is enabled, only if the project specified in the Project field is linked to an extension.
- This value is defaulted from the Settings screen in the app. However, you can modify the value.
- Cost Component
- The cost component based on the selected project.Note:
- This field is enabled, only if the project specified in the Project field has a linked cost component.
- This value is defaulted from the Settings screen in the app. However, you can modify the value.
- Text
- The text related to the requisition.
Click Attachments icon to upload
and manage the attachment.
- You must provide access to required permissions on the local device, to allow the uploading of attachments.
- When you select a record in the Purchase Requisitions (tdpur2501m000) session in Infor LN, the attachment related to the requisition is displayed in the Related Information context app for LN in Infor OS.
Click Save. Possible options:
- Save: Allows you to save the requisition
record.Note: The requisition number is generated by the app when the requisition record is saved. The requisition record displays these two tabs:
- Details: Displays all the added requisition information.
- Requisition lines: Allows to add requisition lines including the item details.
- Save as Template: Allows you to save the requisition record as a requisition template in the device storage.
- Cancel: Allows you to cancel the process.
- Save: Allows you to save the requisition