Registering Expenses to LN

To register expenses in LN:

  1. Log in to the mobile application. The list of dates for the current or previous week is displayed.
  2. Click Add. The Select an Origin screen is displayed.
    Note: The origins selected in the application settings are displayed.
  3. Select an origin.
  4. Specify this information:
    • General Expenses
    • Project Expenses
    • The information to be provided based on the selected origin.
    • You can use left and right arrow to retrieve the order data of the previous and next week, when selecting Project from the list. This is applicable for the Project Expenses.
  5. Click Save to save the Expenses to the application.
    Note: For Android users, click Check icon to save.
  6. Click Clear to clear the specified data.
  7. Click Register on the Expenses screen to submit the expenses to LN.
    • You can view the registered expenses in the Hours and Expenses by Employee Overview (bptmm1100m000) session in LN.
    • The Cost Component field must be specified in the People User Profiles (bpmdm0102m000) session.
    • You can delete saved expenses once it is registered to LN but you cannot modify an expense after it is registered.

    When a new expense is created, the data is defaulted from the People User Profiles (bpmdm0102m000) session in LN based on the selected origin. You can:

    • Modify the data that is defaulted from the People User Profiles (bpmdm0102m000) session.
    • Specify mandatory fields.
    • Attach files.