Sales Quote Line details screen
The Sales Quote Line details screen includes this information:
- Line Number: The number that indicates the quotation line.
- Quotation Number: The number that identifies the sales quotation.
- Sales Office: A department that is identified in the company business model to manage the business partner’s sales relations
- Status: Status of the sales quote line.
- Item: The code of the standard item.
- Warehouse: A place for storing goods. For each warehouse, you can specify the address and data related to the warehouse type.
- Probability %: The percentage of the probability of the business partner to accept the quotation.
- Quantity: The number of items that are delivered to the ship-to business partner. This quantity is expressed in the item's sales unit.
- Price: The item's unit price, or the calculation part's unit price by sales unit.
- Discount %: The total discount amount expressed as a percentage of the (gross) quotation amount.
- Quote Line Amount: The net quotation line amount mentioned in the quotation.
- Planned Delivery Date: The date on which the items on the order line must be delivered.
- Attachments: You can view or add attachments. You can capture image/video or select
existing image/video/any file.Note:
The added attachments can be viewed with “InforQuoteLine” context in Related Information Context app for LN in Infor OS by selecting a quote line in the Sales Quote Line (tdsls1600m000) session in LN.