Creating/Editing NCR in offline mode

When the device is not connected to the internet, the app enables you to record the NCR in Offline mode. You can enable the Offline Mode in Settings to activate the Offline mode. You must specify the passcode to authorize the reporting of the non-conformance in the offline mode. When the device is connected to the internet, you must manually disable the Offline mode to synchronize the data with Infor LN.


If this Passcode Setting option is not enabled, the app displays the passcode setting screen to enable and specify the passcode when accessing the Offline mode.

When you disable the offline mode, the app displays a pop-up window with these options:
  • Sync & Proceed: Synchronize the data that is saved in the app in Offline mode, with Infor LN and vice versa. If the synchronization fails, the app is also not synchronized with the data from Infor LN till the issue is resolved.
  • Discard & Proceed: Discards the app data that is not synchronized (offline modification) with Infor LN. However, the data from Infor LN is synchronized.
  • Dismiss: Closes the pop-up window and the Offline mode remains enabled.