Adding a new Task

To add a new Task:

  1. Click Add on the Activities list screen and select Task. The New Task screen is displayed.
  2. Specify this information:
    A short description of the task.
    The priority assigned to the task. Possible values:
    • Low
    • Normal
    • High.
    The task status, which informs you about the progress of the task. Possible values:
    • Not Started
    • In Process
    • Completed
    • Waiting for Someone Else
    • Deferred.
    Start Date and time
    The date and time on which the task is started.
    End Date and time
    The date and time on which the task is ended.
    If this check box is selected, a reminder is set for the task.
    Reminder Date/time
    The date and time on which a user is reminded about following up on the task.
    Assigned to
    The employee to whom the task is assigned.
    The employee who is the task owner and is responsible for execution of the task. Defaults to the user creating the task. User can change by selecting from employees list.
    Business Partner
    The business partner for whom the task is executed.
    Use this field to add text to the task.
    The documents linked to the call. You can capture an image or a video to upload or select an existing image, video or any file.
    Note: The added attachments can be viewed in Related Information Context app for LN in Infor OS by selecting the newly created Task in the Activities (tccom6100m000) session in LN.
  3. Click Save.