App Details

The homepage of the app displays the Inbound Order Lines that are created in Infor LN. Each order on the home page displays information such as Order number, Order Origin, item description, item related image, planned receipt date, Ordered quantity, Text icon and Hazardous icon. The Item linked to the inbound line and Item description is displayed. The Inbound order lines displayed are based either on the selected Warehouse and Project values or on the selected warehouse itself.

You can click Search on the toolbar to search for the inbound orders. The search result is based on order number, line number, order description, planned receipt date.

You can filter the inbound orders based on the Suppliers in the list. Click the filters icon on the toolbar to view the available suppliers. The active filter is displayed if the supplier is selected for inbound orders.

You can search for the inbound orders by scanning the order bar code, using the Scan icon.

You can click Add New Receipt on the homepage toolbar to add a new receipt by selecting any of inbound line in the list. The selected inbound line will be prefilled in Inbound Order Number section in New Receipt screen. You can select only one inbound order line from the selected inbound order lines list.

Note: The Pagination method involves loading the content dynamically as the user scroll down on the home screen. However, to avoid interrupting the flow of the page while scrolling, additional content is loaded automatically as the user is about to reach the end of the page
You can click Menu to access these options:
Options Description
Inbound Order Lines To create, review, or modify the receipts in the Inbound Order Lines.
Settings To select the company and configure the default values for creating new receipts.
Sign Out To sign out and exit the Warehouse Receipts app.
About To view the details of the app version and third party or open-source licenses that is being used.