Configuring the default values in As Built Scanning mobile app
- Click Menu in the homepage toolbar.
- Select Settings. The Settings screen is displayed.
Specify this information:
- Company
- The default company code in which the receipts are created.
Note: The list of companies is retrieved from the Companies (ttaad1100m000) session in Infor LN.
- Site
- The site for which the production order is created.Note: The list of sites displayed are retrieved from the Sites (tcemm0150m000) session in Infor LN. You must specify three characters on the Search bar to retrieve the list of related Sites.
- Show Data Range
- The default start and end date for which the data is
displayed.Note: You can select a date from the Calendar, or use the Previous or Next options to select the required date.
- Camera image quality
The default resolution of images or videos of attachments that are captured. Possible values:
- Low
- Medium
- High
Note:- Camera image quality option is only applicable for uploading the attachments to IDM.
- By default, the value in this field is set to Low. However, you can modify the value.
- Debug Mode
Indicates the status of the debug mode for the app. Possible options:
- On (Enabled)
- Off (Disabled)
Note: If the debug mode is enabled, a debug report along with log can be shared by selecting stop debug and send log.
- Click Done.