工作单材料资源 (tswcs4110m000)
- 等待装配的可用部件
- 必须创建相关工作单的不可用部件。
- 必须替换的不可用部件
- 工作单
- 工作单活动。如果将材料资源链接至工作单活动,在“资源需求 (tsacm2120m000)”进程中定义的资源需求将复制到工作控制系统中。
- 如果已实施财务,用于工作单或工作单活动的材料资源将记帐为在制品 (WIP)成本:
- 对于“自仓库”交货类型,将根据已发放数量对在制品 (WIP) 成本进行记帐。并根据已消耗数量对在制品 (WIP) 记帐进行调整。
- 对于“自服务库存”或“自服务成套备件”交货类型,将根据已消耗数量对在制品 (WIP) 成本进行记帐。
- 当您使用参考活动时,LN 会将材料所需的数据复制到工作单。
- LN 会从“成本细目 - 服务材料 (tppdm3103m000)”进程或“工作单 (tswcs2100m000)”进程默认使用此进程中的项目挂钩数据。使用成本细目功能,可以将成本从一个层重新定向到其它层。
- 如果在“服务用户配置文件 (tsmdm1150m000)”进程中的相应组框中选中了“材料资源”复选框,则可以在“工作单 (tswcs2100m100)”、“工作单活动 (tswcs2610m000)”和“工作单 - 批维修 (tswcs2600m000)”进程中将此进程视为附属进程。
- 在下列情况下,您不能删除链接至外部工作单并在估算阶段创建的材料资源行:
- “允许删除估计值”字段在“工作单管理参数 (tswcs0100m000)”进程设置为“否”。
- 工作单或活动状态会设置为“已下达”、“已转移”或“已完成”。
- 在下列情况下,您不能删除链接至估计覆盖行的材料资源行:
- 相关工作单为内部工作单。
- “维修销售控制参数 (tsmsc0100m000)”进程中的“允许删除估计值”字段设置为“否”,不允许删除相关部件行。
- 如果在“通用服务参数 (tsmdm0100m000)”进程中选中“初始仓单状态由仓储业务确定”复选框,则可以为所有交货类型创建计划仓单。但是,必须使用“启动仓单 (whinh2203m000)”进程激活这些订单。
与 Infor LN 质量管理子系统集成
LN 允许您通过“操作”菜单上的“创建不合格报告”选项为服务对象创建“不合格报告”。此时会调用“不合格报告 (qmncm1100m000)”进程,可以在其中为服务对象创建报告。
LN 允许您通过“操作”菜单上的“链接不合格报告”选项为服务对象链接“不合格报告”。此时会调用“不合格报告 (qmncm1100m000)”进程,可以在其中选择链接到服务对象的报告。
可以使用“操作”菜单上的“取消链接不合格报告”选项取消链接不合格报告。此时会调用“相关订单 - 质量管理 (tsmdm4500m100)”进程,在其中可以选择要取消链接的报告。
- 仅当选中“通用服务参数 (tsmdm0100m000)”进程中的“不合格报告”复选框时,这些不合格报告选项才可见。
- 仅当已为服务对象指定“物料”时,才会启用“创建不合格报告”选项。
- 工作单
The work order for which the material resource line is created.
- Work Order
The work order description is selected in the following order:
- The description of the service type.
- The description of the serialized item.
- The description of the item.
- The label description.
- 工作单状态
- 已计划
- 已下达
- 已完成
- 已签字验收
- 已结算
- 已取消
- 自由
- 活动行
The work order activity line for which the material resource line is created.
The activity line represents the reference activity or master routing that must be carried out for the work order. The activity line is identified by a sequence number.
- 活动状态
- 已计划
- 已下达
- 已完成
- 已签字验收
- 已结算
- 已取消
- 自由
- 行号
The line that represents the material resources. The material resource line is identified by a sequence number.
- 物料
The materials that are required to carry out the work order. You can also enter a disassembled item.
Note:The field is disabled if you specify any value in the 参考物料 field.
You can enter an item or a serialized item.
Note:- For the Follow-up Work Order delivery type you must have identified the item as a repairable item in the 服务物料数据 (tsmdm2100m000) session.
- You can change the item if the work order has the 自由 or 已计划 status, and if no warehouse orders or purchase orders are created.
- To be scrapped: For items with little or no value. If the delivery type is set to 至仓库, the serial status is visible.
- 分配和硬挂钩类型
The allocation and hard peging type. LN allocates the inventory for a specific demand. LN uses the item specifications to match the demand and supply of inventory.
Note:Allocation and Hard Pegging is not applicable only for the following delivery types:
- To Scrap
- To Warehouse
- To Warehouse by Transport
- From Service Inventory
- Supplier Direct Delivery
- By Field Purchase
Select the allocation and hard pegging type for the work order cost lines. 此字段可以拥有下列值:
- 基于客户: The inventory supply for the work order cost line must be allocated and/or hard pegged to the sold-to BP.
- 基于订单: The inventory supply for the work order cost line must be allocated and/or hard pegged to the work order.
- 基于客户参考: The supply for the work order cost line must be allocated and/or hard pegged to the customer reference.
- 基于内部参考: The supply for the work order cost line must be allocated and/or hard pegged to the internal reference.
- 不适用: The allocation and hard pegging is not applicable.
Note:The field is available only when you select the 需求挂钩 check box in the 通用服务参数 (tsmdm0100m000) session.
- 业务伙伴
The name of the business partner.
- Business Partner
The description of the business partner.
- 业务对象类型
The type of business object. 示例 work order material resource.
- 业务对象
The identifier of the business object. 示例 work order material resource number.
- 业务对象参考
The reference to the business object. 示例 the line number of the work order material resource.
- 参考
A reference code to which the inventory is allocated. LN can use the inventory only for an order with the same reference number.
Note:The field is enabled only when you set the 分配和硬挂钩类型 field to one of the following:
- 基于内部参考 LN uses the field to record an internal reference.
- 基于客户参考 LN uses the field to record a reference code that is defined by a customer.
- 使用未分配的库存
如果选中此复选框, Enterprise Planning uses unallocated inventory to match and meet the inventory demand and supply.
如果清除此复选框, Enterprise Planning does not use unallocated inventory to meet the inventory demand.
Note:LN matches the inventory demand and supply in the following order of priority:
- Allocated inventory
- Unallocated inventory
- 说明
The name of the warehouse from which the LN issues the items.
- 已分配库存的数量
The quantity of allocated items that is available in the warehouse.
- 需求挂钩数量
The total quantity of supply orders that is hard pegged and will be received in the warehouse, expressed in the sales unit. This quantity is hard pegged to the work order cost line.
- 未分配数量
The inventory of the item that is available in the warehouse that can be allocated to new orders.
- 序列号
Note:If you have selected the 自仓库 or the 通过采购 delivery type, and the items cannot be delivered from the serial number, you must create a material resource line for each serialized item that has a serial number other than the original serial number.
Two ABC items must be delivered from a warehouse. The specified warehouse can only deliver two items ABC-123 and one item ABC-456. For item ABC-123, the current material resource line is created. For item ABC-456, a new material resource line must be created.
- 工程物料修订号
The value that indicates the engineering revision of a revision-controlled item.
Note:- You must set the item revision control check boxes in the 通用服务参数 (tsmdm0100m000) session.
- You can maintain the revision if the work order status is 自由, 已完成, 已签字验收, or 已结算.
- You cannot maintain the revision for serialized items.
- 有效单元
- Label
Identifies material that is used, but which cannot be defined in LN.
Note:You cannot enter a functional element.
- 需求数量
The quantity that is required based on the specified length, width, thickness, and number of units required for the item.
If the required quantity is not based on the specified length, width, thickness, and number of units, the default value is one.
- 实际数量
The quantity that is actually used for the work order or for the work order activity.
Note:If the delivery type for the work order is 自仓库 or 通过采购, the difference between the issued quantity and the consumed quantity is returned to the warehouse after the work order or work order activity is closed.
- 文本
如果选中此复选框,text was added to the material resource line.
- 参考物料
The reference item linked to the order line.
Note:The field is enabled when you do not specify any value in the Item field.
- 交货类型
Note:The default delivery type for the item is defined in the 服务物料数据 (tsmdm2100m000) session if:
- The material resource line is linked to a work order or to a work order activity.
- The work order activity procedure is general or inspection. If the item is not defined in 服务物料数据 (tsmdm2100m000) session, Location is used as the default delivery type.
- The delivery type To Scrap is available for easy-removal items with little or no value.
- 将未消耗的物料退回仓库
如果选中此复选框, Infor LN generates the financial transactions for the return lines when the material is returned to the warehouse.
Note:- When you create a material line with an appropriate delivery type, Infor LN defaults the value from the 服务物料数据 (tsmdm2100m000) session.
- This field is enabled only if 交货类型 is set to 至仓库.
- Serial Status
The status of the serialized item.
- Location
If you have selected the Location delivery type, you must enter a location. The Location delivery type is only used to register the current location of an item, or the location from which the item is received.
示例: Item delivery from and to location
- Ten pieces of item ABC are needed.
- A material resource line is created.
- Work order (activity) status = 已下达
- Required quantity = 0 pcs
- Issued quantity = 10 pcs
- Consumed quantity = 0 pcs
- You must manually enter the consumed quantity.
- 服务成套备件
If you have selected the 自服务成套备件 delivery type, you must select a service kit.
示例: Issue work order material resources from kit
- Ten pieces of item ABC are needed.
- A material resource line is created.
- Work order (activity) status = 已计划
- Planned quantity = 0 pcs
- Issued quantity = 0 pcs
- Consumed quantity = 7 pcs
- You must manually enter the consumed quantity. The consumed quantity is booked as work in process (WIP).
- Follow-Up Service Department
Use the field to specify the alternative work center if the required skills are not present in the current work center.
Note:The field is available for a serialized item if the item and the serial number on the work order header is same as the item and the serial number of work order material resources and the delivery type is set to Follow-up Work Order.
- Follow-Up Service Department
代码的说明或名称。follow-up service department.
- 仓库
If you have selected the 自仓库 or 至仓库 delivery type, you must enter the warehouse from which the materials are issued, or the warehouse to which the materials are sent.
Note:A warehousing order must be created to deliver the item.
示例: Issue work order material resources to work order (activity)
- Ten pieces of item ABC are required.
- Work order (activity) status = 自由
- Required quantity = 10 pcs
- Issued quantity = 0 pcs
- Consumed quantity = 0 pcs
- A material resource line is created.
- Work order (activity) status = 已计划
- Planned quantity = 10 pcs
- Issued quantity = 0 pcs
- Consumed quantity = 0 pcs
- An
available-to-promise check is performed. A warehouse order is created, and the required stock is hard allocated to the work order, if the 要求库存承诺 check box is selected.
- Work order (activity) status = 已下达
- Planned quantity = 10 pcs
- Issued quantity = 0 pcs
- Consumed quantity = 0 pcs
- The
outbound advice in warehousing is started. As a result of the outbound advice, two pieces are issued from the warehouse. These two pieces are booked as work in process. The other eight pieces remain allocated/committed to the work order.
- Work order (activity) status = 已下达
- Planned quantity = 8 pcs
- Issued quantity = 2 pcs
- Consumed quantity = 0 pcs
- Also as a result of the outbound advice, the other eight
pieces are issued and added to the issued quantity.
- Work order (activity) status = 已下达
- Planned quantity = 0 pcs
- Issued quantity = 10 pcs
- Consumed quantity = 0 pcs
- Only seven pieces are actually used for this work order.
You can manually enter the consumed quantity.
- Work order (activity) status = 已完成
- Planned quantity = 0 pcs
- Issued quantity = 10 pcs
- Consumed quantity = 7 pcs
- All allocations/commitments are removed. The difference
between the issued quantity and the consumed quantity is returned to the
warehouse. The work in process is adjusted to what is actually used. The actual
used quantity is the consumed quantity.
- Work order (activity) status = 已结算
- Planned quantity = 0 pcs
- Issued quantity = 10 pcs
- Consumed quantity = 7 pcs
- Ten pieces of item ABC are required.
- 要求库存承诺
如果选中此复选框,materials that require delivery from a warehouse must be committed to the work order or to the work order activity before it can be planned or released.
Whether materials must be committed before work orders or work order activities can be planned or released, is determined by the 要求库存承诺 setting in the 工作单管理参数 (tswcs0100m000) session.
- ATP Date
The ATP date. This is a display field.
- 批次选择
Select a value to indicate the lot selection. If you select 指定, you must enter a lot.
Note:If you have selected the 自仓库 or 通过采购 delivery type, and items cannot be delivered from the same lot, you must create a material resource line for each lot that differs from the original lot.
Ten items ABC from Lot one must be delivered from a warehouse. The specified warehouse can only deliver five items ABC from Lot one, and five items ABC from lot two. For the five items ABC that are delivered from lot two, a new material resource line must be created.
- 批次
If you have selected 指定, you must enter a lot.
- Deliver to Activity
The activity line number of the corresponding assembly/disassembly activity.
Note:- If you have defined the material resource line for an assembly activity, the linked activity represents the disassembly activity.
- If you have defined the material resource line for a disassembly activity, the linked activity represents the assembly activity.
- 材料资源替换
The material line number (in the work order) of the serialized item that replaces the returned serialized item.
- 退货原因
The reason you give to scrap an item or to return an item to a warehouse.
Note:The default reasons are defined in the 工作单管理参数 (tswcs0100m000) session.
- Top Work Order
- 需求数量
The quantity that is required based on the specified length, width, thickness, and number of units required for the item.
If the required quantity is not based on the specified length, width, thickness, and number of units, the default value is one.
- 已发放数量
The quantity that was delivered on the work order.
- 实际数量
The quantity that is actually used for the work order or for the work order activity.
Note:If the delivery type for the work order is 自仓库 or 通过采购, the difference between the issued quantity and the consumed quantity is returned to the warehouse after the work order or work order activity is closed.
- 残留值
The value at which the service company prices the item in the inventory.
- 成本构成
The material resource's cost component.
The item's cost component.
- 已核对
如果选中此复选框, this resource line is checked off and can no longer be modified.
Note:If, in the 工作单管理参数 (tswcs0100m000) session, the 资源要求核对 check box is selected, you must first check the actually used materials, and then click , before you can close the work order or work order activity.
- 长度
The item's length. You can only specify the item's length for a purchased item. The unit in which the length is expressed is equal to the items inventory unit. The inventory unit's physical quantity is length, area, or volume.
Note:You must have selected the 通过采购 delivery type, and the purchase order must have the 自由 or 已计划 status.
- 宽度
The item's width. You can only specify the item's width for a purchased item. The unit in which the width is expressed is equal to the items inventory unit. The inventory unit's physical quantity is area or volume.
Note:You must have selected the 通过采购 delivery type, and the purchase order must have the 自由 or 已计划 status.
- 厚度
The item's thickness. You can only specify the item's thickness for a purchased item. The unit in which the thickness is expressed is equal to the items inventory unit. The inventory unit's physical quantity is volume.
Note:You must have selected the 通过采购 delivery type, and the purchase order must have the 自由 or 已计划 status.
- 数量
The number of times the item fits in the specified length, width, and thickness.
- 需求数量
The quantity that is required based on the specified length, width, thickness, and number of units required for the item.
If the required quantity is not based on the specified length, width, thickness, and number of units, the default value is one.
- 卖方业务伙伴
The preferred buy-from business partner for the required materials.
- 采购订单
- 通用订单数据、卖方业务伙伴数据、付款条款和交货条款的页眉
- 关于要交货的实际物料的详细信息的一个或多个订单行
- 采购订单行
The purchase order line.
- Quotation
The maintenance sales order quotation that is linked to the work order.
- 报价单成本行
The quotation cost line that is linked to the work order material resource line.
- 父物料
The item code of the parent service item required for the service order.
- 父序列号
The serial number of the parent serialized item.
- 父物料/位置
The position number of the child item in the service order.