材料可用性 (tstdm2520m100)
- 订单类型
The origin of the order.
- 工作单
- 呼叫
- 不适用
- 客户索赔
- 供应商索赔
- 报价要求
- 售后服务
- 价格计算
- 租赁要求
- 现场更改单
- 报价单
- 维修销售订单
- 服务订单
- 服务订单报价单
- 计划活动
- 维修通知
- 组计划活动
- 订单
The number of the order.
- Order Status
The order status.
- 检查级别
The level at which the material availability is checked.
- 活动
- 材料
- 订单
- 活动行编号
The order activity line number.
- 材料行
The material line number.
- 库存检查状态
The result of the material availability check.
- 自由
- 短缺
- 供应延误
- 可用
- 未决
- 订单日期
The date and time when the order is created.
- 物料
The item for which the availability is checked.
- Description
- 仓库
The warehouse that is checked for the availability of the item.
- 说明
- ATP 可用库存
Indicates if the inventory is available in the specified Warehouse, calculated by the ATP check.
- ATP 日期
The date when the material is available in the Warehouse, calculated by the ATP check.
- 计划可用库存
Indicates if the material is available, calculated by the Planned Inventory Check.
- 计划可用日期
The date and time when the material is available in the Warehouse, calculated by the Planned Inventory Check.
- 现有可用库存
Indicates if the material is available in the warehouse, calculated by the ON Hand Inventory check.
- 需求数量
The quantity of the item required for the order.
- 需求数量的单位
The unit in which the quantity is measured.
- 实际数量
The actual quantity of the item available in the inventory.
- 要求的交货日期
The date and time when the material must be delivered.
- 检查 ATP 库存
Indicates if the ATP check is performed. This check can only be performed during planning the order.
- ATP 检查日期
The date and time when the last ATP check is performed.
- 检查计划库存
Indicates if the Planned Inventory check is performed.
- 计划可用库存检查日期
The date and time when the planned inventory is last checked.
- 检查现有库存
Indicates if the On Hand Inventory check is performed.
- 现有库存检查日期
The date and time when the last On-Hand inventory check is performed.
- 需求数量的换算系数
The conversion factor for the required quantity.