现场服务工程师分派 - 远程 (tssoc2505m100)
- 服务工程师
The code of the service engineer assigned to the service order.
Name of the service engineer.
- 行程计划起始时间
Planned time to start the travel.
- 行程计划结束时间
Planned time to finish the travel.
- 计划起始时间
The planned time when the service engineer is expected to start the execution of the assignment.
- 计划结束时间
The planned time when the service engineer is expected to finish the execution of the assignment.
- 服务订单
The number of the service order completed by the service engineer.
- 活动行编号
The line number of the service-order activity completed by the service engineer.
- 说明
- 分派状态
The assignment status of the service engineer.
- 已接受
- 已启动
- 已完成
- 已拒绝
- 已分配
- 安装组
The installation group for which the service order is created.
- 物料
The item for which the service order is created.
- 序列号
The serial number of the item.
- 下载时间
The last date and time, when the Service Engineer has downloaded the assigned activities. This field is used for Mobile Service application. The assignment cannot be deleted if this field is filled.
- 接受时间
The time when the service engineer accepts the assignment that is assigned.
- 拒收时间
The time when the service engineer rejects the assignment that is assigned.
- 拒绝原因
The code of the reason to reject the assignment.
- 行程实际起始时间
The actual start time of travel.
- 行程实际结束时间
The actual finish time of travel.
- 实际起始时间
The actual time when the service engineer started the assignment.
- 实际结束时间
The actual time when the service engineer finished the assignment.
- 有效期
The time duration for the assignment.
- 持续时间单位
The unit in which the assignment duration is expressed.
- 行程持续时间
The time duration of the travel.
- 行程距离
The travel distance of the service order activity.
- 距离单位
The unit in which the distance is expressed.
- 工作单完成时间
The date and time when the service engineer completes the assigned job sheet.
- 上次更改时间
The date and time when the Planned Start and Planned Finish are last updated or when the planner manually changes the service engineer assignment data.
- 位置地址
The address code of the location where the service order activity must be performed.
- 姓名
- 位置地址
- 地址名
- 地址
- 门牌号
- 城市
- 邮政编码