服务订单估计材料成本 (tssoc2120m000)
对于服务订单上添加的每项参考活动,LN 都会将“资源需求 (tsacm2120m000)”进程中所列出的材料需求添加到“服务订单估计材料成本”进程中。
- 此进程也可以作为“服务订单 (tssoc2100m100)”进程的附属进程来查看。要查看此进程,必须在“服务用户配置文件 (tsmdm1150m000)”进程的“服务订单%”组框中选中“估计材料成本行”复选框。
- 此进程也可以作为“服务订单活动 (tssoc2110m100)”进程的附属进程来查看。要查看此进程,必须在“服务用户配置文件 (tsmdm1150m000)”进程的“服务订单活动”组框中选中“估计材料成本行”复选框。
- LN 会将此进程的成本行复制到“服务订单实际材料成本 (tssoc2121m000)”进程。
- 如果订单状态为“已下达”,则无法在此进程中添加或维护行,但可以使用“服务订单实际材料成本 (tssoc2121m000)”进程为服务订单添加或维护材料成本行。
- 仅当选中“服务订单管理参数 (tssoc0100m000)”和“服务订单 (tssoc2100m000)”进程中的“将覆盖范围计算用于估算”复选框时,才会显示“估计金额”标签。
- 在下列情况下,您不能删除在估算阶段创建的材料成本行:
- “允许删除估计值”字段在“服务订单管理参数 (tssoc0100m000)”进程设置为“否”。
- 相关服务订单或活动的状态设置为“已下达”或“已完成”。
- 服务订单
The code of the service order for which the estimated material costs are listed.
- Description
If the service order is created for an external customer, this field displays the name of the sold-to business partner.
If the service order is created for an internal business partner, this field displays the description of the service department that carries out the service order.
- Service Order Status
The service order's current status.
- 行号
The number that distinguishes the material cost line from the other material cost lines listed for the service order.
- 活动行编号
The number of the service order's activity that requires the item.
- 物料
The code of the item required for the service order.
- 序列号
The serial number of the item required for the service order.
Note:Infor LN allows the 'warehouse issue' of the customer owned serialized item only if:
- the 外部所有权 check box is selected in the 已实施的软件组件 (tccom0100s000) session
- the 买方业务伙伴 for the service order and the 所有者 of the serialized item are the same.
- 生成货运单
如果选中此复选框, Infor LN sends information to Purchase so that Purchase generates a freight order. This option is available only for delivery types Supplier Direct Delivery and Supplier Direct Return.
Note:如果清除此复选框, direct delivery of goods occurs without a freight order being generated.
- 路线
The route entered on the originating order. The default value is taken from the freight order header.
- 说明
- 承运人/LSP
The carrier that is to transport the goods on the current freight order line. The value in this field is taken from the freight order header.
The carrier that you enter in this field is overruled if the load building engine finds other carriers that offer lower prices and/or provide a better planning scope.
If you do not enter a carrier in this field, the load building engine selects a carrier.
If the carrier entered in this field is not to be overruled by the load building engine, select the 承运人绑定 check box.
To create freight orders
The load building process
To use Freight Management for direct deliveries.
Freight Management in multicompany environments.
- 说明
- 承运人绑定
如果选中此复选框,the load building engine does not overwrite the carrier you select in this field. As a rule, the load building engine overwrites the carrier you select in this field, if the engine identifies another carrier that offers lower prices and/or a more favorable planning scope. If you want to impose a carrier for a specific order line and you do not want the load building engine to change the carrier, you can select the 承运人绑定check box. If the freight order line is clustered, the carrier in the carrier field is not overwritten during the clustering process, but you can, if required, manually change the carrier after the clustering process is carried out. A freight order line is available for clustering if the 装载计划 check box is cleared for the freight order line.
This field is unavailable if no carrier is selected in the 承运人/LSP field.
The use of freight service levels
- 货运服务等级
The freight service level enables you to indicate the preferred transportation time for the item listed on the order line. The value is defaulted from the originating order, if defined there. For direct deliveries, the value is taken from the sales order.
- 货运服务等级说明
- 计划收货时间
The planned date and time on which the receipt of the item is to take place .
- 开具货运发票
Select the option to indicate how the freight costs are invoiced to the business partner.
The possible values are the following:
- 服务管理子系统: The actual freight costs are on a separate freight cost line. The amounts to be invoiced are updated from freight management. The costs are released to invoicing by Service.
- 货运管理子系统: Freight costs are invoiced by 货运管理.
- 不适用:The actual freight costs are ignored by Service.
- 货运成本的计算依据
Infor LN adds the freight costs to the invoice-to business partner in the following ways:
Possible values:
- 货运成本: You can use the option to invoice the business partner based on the current information available on the freight costs for a shipment or load incurred by the carrier. The freight invoice amount is based on a carrier rate book in Pricing Control.
- 货运成本(允许更新): You can use the option to send a second invoice to the external business partner if you have previously invoiced the BP and the actual freight costs differ from the amount invoiced. The initial freight invoice amount is based on a carrier rate book in Pricing Control.
- 客户费率: The freight invoice amount is based on client rate book in Pricing Control and stores freight service rates for a specific business partner. The invoice amount is independent of the actual freight costs made by the carrier.
- 不适用: No invoice for freight costs.
- 货运金额
The freight amount that is defaulted from 定价.
- 货运金额绑定
如果选中此复选框,you cannot change the freight costs. You can calculate the 发票金额 and select the check box to ensure that the amount is not recalculated or changed manually. The check box is unavailable and selected if the freight costs calculated for the originating sales order line are made binding. To make this line binding, the 货运金额绑定 check box is selected in the 销售订单行 (tdsls4101m000) session. This check box is unavailable if the invoicing method is 货运成本or 货运成本(允许更新).
- 有效单元
- 修订号
If the item required for the service order is being developed, the item's engineering item code is indicated in this field.
- 交货类型
The delivery type.
Note:If the delivery type is set to 至仓库, the serial status is visible.
When the delivery type is 自服务车仓库, 自仓库按特定方式运送, 自服务成套备件, 通过特定方式运送回仓库, a warehouse order with the status set to 已计划 is generated in Infor LN Warehousing. Use the 为订单发放库存 option in 服务订单实际材料成本 (tssoc2121m000) session to issue or receive the items.
If the service order is related to warranty claim and you select option 偿还材料 in the 索赔方法 field in the 服务订单 (tssoc2100m100) session, you can select one of the following delivery types:
- 自仓库
- 自服务库存
- 自经销商的库存
- 至仓库
When you select one of the listed delivery types, a warehouse order is created when you approve the actual quantity in the Claim Lines (tssoc7110m000) session.
- 自服务成套备件
服务成套备件用于解决最小备件组的呼叫问题,或者仅作为经常使用的标准基本备件组。 服务成套备件按实际用量补货,不按估计服务订单成本计算来分配。
- 自服务库存
- 自经销商的库存
- 通过采购订单
未存货的部件(如贵重部件或不可存储的部件)而且是必须采购的部件。 运行全局服务资源计划 (SRP) 时会生成这些部件的采购订单。
- 当地采购
- 待报废
- 至仓库
- 通过特定方式运送回仓库
- 供应商直接交货
- 供应商直接退货
- 不适用
- 自仓库
如果从中心仓库或区域仓库交货,而且材料行已指定仓库,通常会在物料仓库中分配计划交货。 如果未定义服务车或者服务车未定义为单独的仓库,请使用此交货类型。
- 自服务车仓库
如果使用服务车运输部件而且这些服务车已定义为单独的仓库,请选择此选项。 在进行全局服务资源计划期间,会在中心仓库进行分配。 下达服务订单时,还会创建从中心仓库至服务车的转移订单。
- 自服务车
必须使用普通仓库处理程序(如分时段的订货点 (TPOP) 或订单控制/批 (OCB))对服务车进行补货。
- 自仓库按特定方式运送
如果由于部件尺寸不同而必须单独运输部件,请选择此选项。 下达服务订单时,还会创建从中心仓库至为进货方业务伙伴定义的仓库的转移订单。
- 强制退货
The dealer must return the spare parts to the original equipment manufacturer (OEM). You cannot cost the claim line that is linked to this cost line till the spare parts are not returned by the dealer.
- 状态
The current status of the service order activity for which the estimated material cost is specified.
- 计划交货日期
If the delivery type is 至仓库 or 通过特定方式运送回仓库, the date on which the unused materials are expected in the warehouse. If the delivery type is 通过采购订单, the date on which the items on the purchase order lines must be delivered. This date cannot occur before the date of purchase order creation. The value entered here is taken as the value for the 计划收货日期 field on the purchase order header.
Note:This field is only available if the 交货类型 field is set to one of the following:
- 至仓库
- 通过特定方式运送回仓库
- 通过采购订单
The following table shows the use of planned transaction date for various delivery types.
交货类型 计划事物处理日期 To Warehouse The date on which the unused materials are expected in the warehouse. To Warehouse by Transport The date on which the unused materials are expected in the warehouse. From Warehouse The date of issue from the warehouse. From Warehouse in Car The date of item issue. From Warehouse by Transp The date of item issue. From Service Kit The date of item issue. By Purchase Order The date on which the items on the purchase order lines must be delivered. This date cannot occur before the date of purchase order creation. The value entered here will be the value shown for the Delivery Date field on the purchase order header. Note:This field is not available to edit if the Delivery Type field is set to one of the following:
- 自服务库存
- 当地采购
- 替换
If the serialized item is to replace another, in this field, you can enter the line number of the item it replaces.
You can only replace serialized items that are already listed in this session and that have the delivery type 至仓库 or 通过特定方式运送回仓库.
If the serialized item you replace is part of a physical breakdown, LN updates the physical breakdown with the new item when you set the service order's status to 已核算成本.
Note:You can only maintain this field if:
- The activity's status is 自由, 已计划, or 已下达.
- The 交货类型 is From Warehouse, 自仓库按特定方式运送, 自服务成套备件, 自服务车仓库, or 通过采购订单.
- 参考物料
Enter the PCS project item or a standard item. The reference item is referred to generate a customized item by creating a new PCS project for the sold-to business partner specified on the service order header. You can also link the reference item, as a project part, to an existing PCS project for the Sold-to BP specified on the service order header. The reference item can belong to the PCS project of any business partner.
Note:If a PCS project code is entered on the service order header, the items related to particular Sold-to BP of the PCS project code are allowed as main item in the service order estimated material lines.
- 项目
The code of the project to which the material cost line is pegged.
Note:- This field is displayed only if the 在现场服务中使用项目挂钩 check box is selected in the 服务订单管理参数 (tssoc0100m000) session.
- This field is applicable if the service order is project pegged and the project specified on the service order header is a TP Project.
- This value is defaulted from the service order header/activity.
- You must specify this value if the 强制项目挂钩 check box is selected in the 物料 (tcibd0501m000) session for the item specified on the material line.
- You can specify a project:
- That is not linked to a TP contract and invoicing through sales is allowed.
- For which the status is set to Active.
- That is not a PCS Project.
- Description
- 要素
The code of the element linked to the 项目.
Note:- This field is displayed only if:
- The 在现场服务中使用项目挂钩 check box is selected in the 服务订单管理参数 (tssoc0100m000) session.
- The 要素 check box is selected in the 项目参数 (tppdm0100s000) session.
- This field is applicable only if:
- The 项目 is specified.
- Project Element is applicable for Project (TP check)
- This value is defaulted from the 成本细目 - 服务材料 (tppdm3103m000) session if the 成本细目 check box is selected in the 已实施的软件组件 (tccom0100s000) session. This value is defaulted from the service order/activity if the 成本细目 check box is cleared in the 已实施的软件组件 (tccom0100s000) session or if a value is not specified in the 成本细目 - 服务材料 (tppdm3103m000) session.
- This value must be specified if in the
物料 (tcibd0501m000) session:
- The 强制项目挂钩 check box is selected for the item specified on the service order material line.
- The 继承项目挂钩 check box is selected and the Project Peg is maintained on the service order header/activity.
- This field is displayed only if:
- Description
- 活动
The code of the activity linked to the 项目.
Note:- This field is displayed only if:
- The 在现场服务中使用项目挂钩 check box is selected in the 服务订单管理参数 (tssoc0100m000) session.
- The 活动 check box is selected in the 项目参数 (tppdm0100s000) session.
- This field is applicable only if:
- The 项目 is specified.
- Project Activity is applicable for Project (TP check)
- This value is defaulted from the 成本细目 - 服务材料 (tppdm3103m000) session if the 成本细目 check box is selected in the 已实施的软件组件 (tccom0100s000) session. This value is defaulted from the service order/activity if the 成本细目 check box is cleared in the 已实施的软件组件 (tccom0100s000) session or if a value is not specified in the 成本细目 - 服务材料 (tppdm3103m000) session.
- This value must be specified if in the
物料 (tcibd0501m000) session:
- The 强制项目挂钩 check box is selected for the item specified on the service order material line.
- The 继承项目挂钩 check box is selected and the Project Peg is maintained on the service order header/activity.
- This field is displayed only if:
- Description
- 项目挂钩来源
The origin of the project peg.
- 成本细目
- 不适用
- 人工
- 顶层需求
Note:- This field is displayed only if the 成本细目 check box is selected in the 已实施的软件组件 (tccom0100s000) session.
- This field is applicable only if the service order is project pegged.
- By default, this field is set to:
- 成本细目, when the project peg is defaulted from the 成本细目 - 服务材料 (tppdm3103m000) session.
- 顶层需求, when the project peg is defaulted from the service order header or the service contract linked to the service order.
- 不适用, when the project peg or the costing breaks is not applicable.
- 项目挂钩库存
Indicates if the item must be linked from the project pegged inventory.
Note:- This field is displayed only if the 在现场服务中使用项目挂钩 check box is selected in the 服务订单管理参数 (tssoc0100m000) session.
- This field is applicable only if the service order is project pegged.
- By default, this check box is cleared. LN selects this check box only when the material is project-pegged.
- 成本构成
The cost line's cost component.
The material cost component selected for the item in the 物料 - 成本计算数据 (ticpr0107m000) session.
Note:You can only maintain this field if the order status or the activity status is 自由 or 已计划.
- 总销售额
The total estimated sales amount of the items, as calculated by means of the following equation:
总销售额 = 销售价格 * 数量
Note:Infor LN defaults this value to zero if the 所有权 field is set to 客户所有.
- 合计成本额
The total estimated cost amount of the items, as calculated by means of the following equation:
合计成本额 = 单位成本 * 数量
Note:Infor LN defaults this value to zero if the 所有权 field is set to 客户所有.
- 文本
如果选中此复选框, a text with further details of this estimated material cost line has been created.
- 服务成套备件
If the service order's delivery type is 自服务成套备件, this field displays the code of the service kit that contains and delivers the required items.
Note:- You can maintain this field manually if the activity status or order status is 已下达 or 已完成.
- 所有权
The ownership of the service item.
- 公司所有
- 客户所有
Note:- This field is displayed only if the 外部所有权 check box is selected in the 已实施的软件组件 (tccom0100s000) session.
- This value is defaulted from:
- the 资源需求 (tsacm2120m000) session, if the material resource line is created based on the reference activity of the service order activity
- the 计划活动 - 材料需求 (tsspc2110m000) session, if the material estimated cost line is created based on the planned activity.
- the 服务物料数据 (tsmdm2100m000) session, if the material estimated cost line is manually created.
- You can set this field to
公司所有 if:
- the specified serialized item is company owned and
- the
交货类型 field is set to:
- 自服务成套备件
- 自服务库存
- 通过采购订单
- 当地采购
- You can set this field to
客户所有 only if the 交货类型 field is set to:
- 自仓库
- 至仓库
- 自仓库按特定方式运送
- 通过特定方式运送回仓库
- 待报废
- 库存业务伙伴
The business partner who owns the item in inventory.
Note:- This field is applicable only if the 所有权 field is set to 客户所有.
- This field is applicable only if the 外部所有权 check box is selected in the 已实施的软件组件 (tccom0100s000) session.
- 地点
The code of the site from where the item must be delivered.
- Description
- 仓库
The warehouse from which the item must be delivered.
If the cost line's delivery type is:
- From Warehouse
- 自服务成套备件
- 通过采购订单
- 至仓库
For internal service, the default value is the warehouse of the service center, if not defined, the warehouse of the item. For external service, the default is the warehouse of the service area, if not defined, the warehouse for the service center. Otherwise, the warehouse of the item.
If the cost line's delivery type is:
- 自服务车仓库
- 自仓库按特定方式运送
- 通过特定方式运送回仓库
For internal service no warehouse can be specified. For external service the warehouse of the service area, if not present, the warehouse for the service center. Otherwise, the warehouse of the item.
If the cost line's delivery type is:
- 自服务库存
- 当地采购
No warehouse can be specified.
Note:You can only maintain this field if the activity status (if the cost is specified for an activity) or the order status is 自由 or 已计划.
- 装运材料至
The address used as the shipping address on the material cost line related to the order.
Note:- The value in this field is defaulted from the 服务订单管理参数 (tssoc0100m000) session or by default the value is set to 进货方业务伙伴地址.
- The value in this field can be set to 实际使用业务伙伴地址 or 经销商地址 only if an 安装组 or serialized 物料 is specified and the related addresses are specified.
- This is a display field if the 订单状态 field is not set to 自由 or 已计划.
- 进货方业务伙伴地址
- 安置区地址
- 所有者地址
- 实际使用业务伙伴地址
- 经销商地址
- 分包商地址
- 不适用
- 装运地址
The address of the ship-to business partner.
- Statistical Info
不可作为 LN 标准信息使用的进口/出口统计数据,但是一些欧盟成员国要求在销售表或欧盟内部交易报表中提供这些信息。
您可以通过将数据字段(最多 15 个)定义为欧盟内部附加交易信息集,将其添加到欧盟内部交易统计数据中。您可以将欧盟内部附加交易信息集指定给仓单行。
- 卖方业务伙伴
The code of the buy-from business partner who is the preferred supplier of the item.
The buy-from business partner selected for the item in the 物料采购数据 (tdipu0101m000) session.
Note:This field is only active if the cost line's 交货类型 is 通过采购订单.
- 名称
The name of the buy-from business partner.
- 数量
The estimated quantity of the item, required for the service order.
If the item is serialized, you cannot maintain this field and the value displayed is 1.
If the item's 库存单位 is of the physical quantity 长度, 面积 (m2) or 体积, LN uses the field values you enter in the 物料尺寸 section to calculate the value in this field. You can change the calculated value, if required.
Note:The quantity is expressed in the item's 库存单位 that you select for the item in the 物料 (tcibd0501m000) session.
- 估计销售数量单位
The unit in which the Estimated Quantity is expressed.
Note:- You can select this value (in the estimated phase) from the 按单位集列出的单位 (tcmcs0112m000) session, based on the unit set linked to the item.
- For the non-serialized items, this value is defaulted from the 销售数量单位 field in the 服务物料数据 (tsmdm2100m000) session.
- For the serialized items, this value is defaulted from the 库存单位 field in the 物料 (tcibd0501m000) session and you cannot modify this value.
- If a planned activity is transferred to a service order, this value is defaulted from the Quantity Unit field in the 计划活动 - 材料需求 (tsspc2110m000) session.
- In the estimated phase, this value is defaulted to the 销售数量单位 in the 服务订单实际材料成本 (tssoc2121m000) session.
- Unit
The unit used to express the estimated required quantity of the item.
Note:This unit is the 库存单位 that you select for the item in the 物料 (tcibd0501m000) session.
- 长度
The estimated 长度 of the item, which is required for the service order.
LN uses the value you enter to determine the item's 数量, by means of the following equation:
长度 * 宽度 * 厚度 * 数量
(厚度 is only used if the item's 库存单位 is a 体积; 宽度 is only used if the 库存单位 is a 体积 or an 面积 (m2).)
If the item's 交货类型 is 通过采购订单, LN copies the dimensions to the corresponding fields of purchase order line (when you run the global SRP for the service order).
Note:You can only maintain this field if the item's 库存单位 you selected in the 物料 (tcibd0501m000) session has a 物理量 of type 长度, 面积 (m2), or 体积.
- 厚度
The estimated thickness of the item, required by the service order.
The value you enter determines the item's default 数量 by means of the following equation:
长度 * 宽度 * 厚度 * 数量
If the item's 交货类型 is 通过采购订单, LN copies the dimensions to the corresponding fields of purchase order line when you run the global SRP for the service order.
Note:You can only maintain this field if the item's 库存单位, which you select in the 物料 (tcibd0501m000) session, has a 物理量 of type 体积.
- 宽度
The estimated width of the item, required by the service order.
The value you enter determines the item's default 数量 by means of the following formula:
长度 * 宽度 * 厚度 * 数量
(厚度 is not used in the formula if the item's 物理量 is 面积 (m2).)
If the item's 交货类型 is 通过采购订单, LN copies the dimensions to the corresponding fields of purchase order line when you run the global SRP for the service order.
Note:You can only maintain this field if the item's 库存单位, as specified in the 物料 (tcibd0501m000) session, has a 物理量 of type 面积 (m2) or 体积.
- 数量
The number of units of the item, required for the service order.
LN uses the value you enter to determine the item's 数量 by means of the following equation:
长度 * 宽度 * 厚度 * 数量
(厚度 is only used if the item's 库存单位 is a 体积; 宽度 is only used if the 库存单位 is a 体积, or an 面积 (m2).)
Note:You can only maintain this field if the item's 库存单位, as specified in the 物料 (tcibd0501m000) session, has a 物理量 of type 长度, 面积 (m2), or 体积.
- 现有库存
The inventory on hand of the item listed in the 按仓库列出的物料库存概览 (whwmd2515m000) session.
- 在购库存
The inventory on order listed for the item in the 按仓库列出的物料库存明细 (whwmd2115s000) session.
- 已分配库存
The allocated inventory of the item listed in the 按仓库列出的物料库存概览 (whwmd2515m000) session.
- 可用性
- 库存检查状态
The result of the Material Availability check.
- 自由
- 短缺
- 供应延误
- 可用
- 未决
- ATP 可用库存
Indicates if the inventory is available in the specified 仓库, calculated by the ATP check.
- 可用日期
Latest ATP Date for the material line belonging to the order.
- 检查日期
Latest ATP Check On Date for the material line belonging to the order.
- 计划可用库存
Indicates if the material is available, calculated by the Planned Inventory Check.
- Available Date
Latest Planned Available Date for the material line belonging to the order.
- Checked On Date
Latest Planned Check On Date for the material line belonging to the order.
- 现有可用库存
Indicates if the inventory for the material line belonging to the order is available, calculated by the On Hand inventory check.
- Checked On Date
Latest On Hand Check On Date for the material line belonging to the order.
- 分配和硬挂钩类型
The allocation and hard peging type. Infor LN allocates the inventory for a specific demand. Infor LN uses the item specifications to match the demand and supply of inventory.
Note:Allocation and Hard Pegging is applicable only for the following delivery types:
- 自仓库
- 自服务车仓库
- 自仓库按特定方式运送
- 自服务成套备件
- 当地采购
Select the allocation and hard pegging type for the service order lines. 此字段可以拥有下列值:
- 基于客户 The inventory supply for the Service Order cost line must be allocated and/or hard pegged to the sold-to BP.
- 基于订单 The inventory supply for the service order cost line must be allocated and/or hard pegged to the service order.
- 基于客户参考 The supply for the Service Order cost line must be allocated and/or hard pegged to the customer reference
- 基于内部参考 The supply for the Service Order cost line must be allocated and/or hard pegged to the internal reference.
- 不适用The allocation and hard pegging is not applicable.
Note:The field is available only when you select the 需求挂钩 check box in the 通用服务参数 (tsmdm0100m000) session.
- 业务伙伴
The name of the business partner. The inventory supply for the service order cost line must be allocated and/or hard pegged to the sold-to BP.
- 业务对象类型
The type of business object. 示例 service order.
- 业务对象
The identifier of the business object. 示例 service order number.
- 业务对象参考
The reference to the business object. 示例 the line number of the service order.
- 参考
A reference code to which the inventory is allocated. Infor LN can use the inventory only for an order with same reference number.
Note:The field is enabled only when you set the 分配和硬挂钩类型 field to one of the following:
- 基于内部参考 Infor LN uses the field to record an internal reference.
- 基于客户参考 Infor LN uses the field to record a reference code that is defined by a customer.
- 使用未分配的库存
如果选中此复选框, Infor LN 企业计划子系统 uses unallocated inventory to match and meet the inventory demand and supply.
如果清除此复选框, Infor LN 企业计划子系统 does not use unallocated inventory to meet the inventory demand.
Note:Infor LN matches the inventory demand and supply in the following order of priority:
- Allocated inventory
- Unallocated inventory
- 仓库
The 仓库 from which the items are delivered.
- Description
The name of the warehouse from which Infor LN delivers the items.
- Allocated to Quantity
The inventory that is allocated in the warehouse as specified in the service order.
- Unit
The inventory unit in which the item is measured.
Note:You can select the item's Inventory Unit in the 物料 (tcibd0501m000) session.
- Allocated to Quantity
The inventory that is allocated in the warehouse as specified in the service order.
- Hard Pegged to Quantity
The total quantity of supply orders that is hard pegged and will be received in the Warehouse, expressed in the sales unit. This quantity is hard peggeed to the service order cost line.
- Hard Pegged to Quantity
The total quantity of supply orders that is hard pegged and received in the warehouse as specified in the service order measured in inventory unit.
- Unallocated Quantity
The inventory of the item that is available in the warehouse that can be allocated to service order, measured in sales unit.
- Unallocated Quantity
The inventory of the item that is available in the warehouse that can be allocated to service order, measured in inventory unit.
- 由客户提供的材料
Indicates that the material line is created for a customer furnished material (item). This check box is considered when planned inventory transactions (PITs) are created for the material line.
- 价格来源
The origin of the sales price.
- 其它
- 合同
- 人工
- 主工艺流程
- 工艺流程选项
- 参考活动
- 差旅费率表
- 不适用
Note:Infor LN sets this field to 不适用 if the 所有权 field is set to 客户所有.
- 估计成本行
Indicates if the cost line is created in the estimated phase.
- 销售
- 销售价格
The estimated sales price of the item.
The sales price of the item specified in the 物料销售数据 (tdisa0501m000) session.
Note:Infor LN defaults this value to zero if the 所有权 field is set to 客户所有.
- 货币
The currency used to express sales values.
The service order's currency.
- Estimated Unit Cost
The estimated unit cost of the item.
The cost defined for the item in the 物料 - 成本计算数据 (ticpr0107m000) session.
Note:Infor LN defaults this value to zero if the 所有权 field is set to 客户所有.
- Cost
The currency used to express the cost values.
Your company's home currency.
- 价格来源
The origin of the sales price.
- 已忽略合同
如果选中此复选框, Infor LN indicates that a valid fixed price contract exists for estimated material cost line and the contract is unlinked or the price is manually overwritten.
Note:- This is a display field.
- This field is displayed only if the 使用服务合同中的价格 check box is selected in the 合同管理参数 (tsctm0100m000) session.
- 总销售额
The total sales amount.
- 成本总额
The total cost amount based on the unit cost and quantity.
- 销售额
- Repair Warranty Coverage Yes/No
Indicates if a repair warranty is applied to the record.
- 保修销售额
The sales amount covered by the repair warranty.
- Warranty Coverages Yes/No
Indicates if a warranty is applied to the record.
- 保修单销售额
The sales amount covered by the warranty.
- Contract Coverages Yes/No
Indicates if a contract is applied to the record.
- 服务合同销售额
The sales amount covered by the service contract.
- Quote Coverages Yes/No
Indicates if a quote is applied to the record.
- 销售金额报价单
The quote number if the cost line is generated from a service order quote.
- 现场更改单销售额
The sales amount covered by the field change order (FCO).
- 销售金额报价单
The revision number of the quote linked to the service order estimated material cost.
Note:This field is displayed only if the 使用服务订单的服务订单报价单 check box is cleared in the 服务订单管理参数 (tssoc0100m000) session.
- 折扣
- 折扣策略
The policy for the discount amount.
- 覆盖前应用折扣
- 覆盖后应用折扣
- 多级折扣
如果选中此复选框, multiple discount levels can be used to retrieve discounts.如果清除此复选框, only one discount level is used to retrieve discounts.
- 折扣百分比
The discount percentage.
- 折扣金额
The discount amount.
Note:- This field is displayed only if the 将覆盖范围计算用于估算 check box is selected in the 服务订单 (tssoc2100m000) session.
- This field is enabled if the Service Order Status field is set to 自由 or 已计划 in the 服务订单 (tssoc2100m000) session.
- 折扣来源
The origin for the discount amount.
Note:- This field is displayed if :
- The 将覆盖范围计算用于估算 check box is selected in the 服务订单 (tssoc2100m000) session.
- The Service Order Status field is set to 自由 or 已计划 in the 服务订单 (tssoc2100m000) session.
- This field is displayed if :
- 折扣总额
The total amount that is discounted based on the 折扣百分比 and the 折扣金额.
- 发票金额
The net sales amount payable. This amount is calculated based on the 折扣总额 and the 折扣策略.
- 覆盖时间
For contract, quote, or warranty coverages, the date and time as of which these coverages apply to the service order.
- Parent Item
The item code of the parentservice item required for the service order.
- 序列号
The serial number of the parent serialized item.
- 位置
The position number of the child item in the service order.
- 已忽略合同
If this check box is selected/cleared, the following are the possible scenarios:
- If this check box is selected and 定价合同, 定价合同更改 and the 定价合同行 fields are specified, a valid service contract is linked and the sales price of the service contract is overruled.
- If this check box is selected and 定价合同, 定价合同更改 and the 定价合同行 fields are not specified, a service contract is not linked.
- If this check box is not selected and 定价合同, 定价合同更改 and the 定价合同行 fields are specified, a valid service contract exists, and pricing terms data is used.
- If this check box is not selected and 定价合同, 定价合同更改 and the 定价合同行 fields are not specified, a valid service contract does not exist.
- 运输原因
A reason code that indicates why transportation takes place, for example, Repair, Sales, Transfer, and so on.
Note:This field is not applicable if the Delivery Notes checkbox is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
- 交货代码
A reason code that indicates who is to pay for the transportation of the goods.
Note:This field is not applicable if the Delivery Notes checkbox is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
- 交货条款
The agreements with the business partner, concerning the way the goods are delivered. Relevant information is printed on various order documents
- Description
- 所有权转移点
The point at which the legal ownership changes. At this point, the risk passes from the seller to the buyer.
- Description
- 相关分包行
The subcontracting other cost line to which the material cost line is linked.
Note:- This field is visible only if the 带料分包 check box is selected in the 已实施的软件组件 (tccom0100s000) session.
- This field is enabled if for the related
活动行编号 in the 服务订单活动 (tssoc2110m000) session:
- The 已分包 check box is selected.
- The 将材料供应给分包商 check box is selected.
- You must specify this value if there are more than one subcontracting other cost lines for the related service order activity.