维修销售订单部件维修行 (tsmsc1110m100)



  • 查看维修销售订单 - 覆盖行 (tsmsc1120m000)
  • 取消维修销售订单物料行 (tsmsc1210m000).
  • 使用工作单 (tswcs2100m000)进程查看工作单。如果选中“维修销售控制参数 (tsmsc0100m000)”进程中的创建部件维修行的工作单,则还可以创建工作单。在创建工作单之后,即会打开工作单 (tswcs2100m000)进程。
  • 查看确认安置区内的物料收货/交货 (tsmsc1100m200) 进程,可在其中输入某个安置区内的实际收货或交货数量。
  • 更改物理分解结构 (tscfg2220m000).
  • 创建报价单 (tsepp1100m000)

当您取消维修销售订单行时,LN 也会取消以下各项:

  • 维修销售订单报价单。
  • 工作单。

Infor LN 质量管理子系统集成

LN 允许您通过“操作”菜单上的链接不合格报告选项为服务对象链接“不合格报告”。此时会调用不合格报告 (qmncm1100m000)进程,可以在其中为服务对象链接报告。

可以使用“操作”菜单上的取消链接不合格报告选项取消链接不合格报告。此时会调用相关订单 - 质量管理 (tsmdm4500m100)进程,在其中可以选择要取消链接的报告。


仅当选中通用服务参数 (tsmdm0100m000)进程中的不合格报告复选框时,这些不合格报告选项才可见。

可以使用估算覆盖行选项查看为所选部件行创建的估计覆盖行。只有在维修销售控制参数 (tsmsc0100m000)进程和维修销售订单 (tsmsc1100m000)进程中选中将覆盖范围计算用于估算复选框时,才会显示此选项。


  • 允许删除估计值字段在维修销售控制参数 (tsmsc0100m000)进程设置为
  • 部件行的状态设置为已下达


  • 相关至:

  • 相关自:



  • 查看详细资料:

  • 反向树视图:


此进程也可以作为维修销售订单 (tsmsc1100m100)进程的附属进程来查看。要查看此进程,必须在服务用户配置文件 (tsmdm1150m000)进程的维修销售订单组框中选中部件维修复选框。


使用重新计算整个行的价格/折扣选项可从服务物料数据 (tsmdm2100m000)进程中检索部件行的默认销售价格。如果无法修改部件行和相关覆盖行的销售价格,则会禁用此选项。


The order number for which the item lines must be maintained.


The item line number.


The quote line alternative.

  • This field is displayed only if the 使用替代方案 for Quotes check box is selected in the 服务报价单参数 (tsepp0100m000) session.
  • The value is defaulted from the 报价单 (tsepp1100m000) session.

The order discount percentage that is applicable to the part line.

  • This field is displayed only if the 使用订单折扣 check box is selected in the 维修销售控制参数 (tsmsc0100m000) session.
  • Infor LN defaults this value from the related maintenance sales order.
  • This field is applicable only if the 方法 field is set to 时间和材料, 固定报价单 or 固定可添加行报价单.
  • You cannot modify this value if the 方法 field is set to 固定报价单 or 固定可添加行报价单.
Line Status

The item or item code part of a serialized item. If you specify any value in the 参考物料 field, the field is disabled.


The serial number of the serialized item. You can manually enter the serial number. The following are the two possible conditions:

When the item number is specified

  • Enter the serialized item's existing serial number. Alternatively, you can use the browse arrow to select the serial number from the 序列化物料 (tscfg2100m000) session.

When the item number is not specified

  • A serial number can be linked to one or more serialized items. When you enter the serial number that is linked to more than one serialized item, the 序列化物料 (tscfg2100m000) session opens and displays all the items to which that serial number is linked. You can select any serialized item from the list. When you select the serialized item, the Description, Quantity, and Department fields are populated.
  • When you enter the serial number that is linked to only one serialized item, the Item, Description, Quantity, and Department fields are populated.

In case the serial number entered is incorrect, LN displays an error message.


You can specify only those serial numbers which are linked to an item.



The master routing code used for the Maintenance Sales Order - Part Maintenance Lines. If a work order is generated from this maintenance sales order, work order activities are generated corresponding to the Master Routing and the default routing option belonging to this Master Routing.

  • This field is visible only if the 使用主工艺流程 check box is selected in the 工作单管理参数 (tswcs0100m000) session.
  • This field is disabled if:
    • The 参考活动 is specified.
    • The Line Status is set to 自由 or 已下达 and a 工作单 is created for this part line or if the Line Status is set to 处理中, 已完成, 已核算成本, 已结算 or 已取消.



The code of the routing option used for the part line.

  • This field is visible only if the 使用主工艺流程 check box is selected in the 工作单管理参数 (tswcs0100m000) session.
  • This field is enabled only if 主工艺流程 is specified.
  • The Line Status is set to 自由 or 已下达 and a 工作单 is created for this part line or if the Line Status is set to 处理中, 已完成, 已核算成本, 已结算 or 已取消.
  • This value is defaulted if a 工艺流程选项 exists for 主工艺流程 in the 工艺流程选项 (tsacm1101m200) session.



The estimated sales price for the part maintenance line. This value is defaulted from the 销售价格 field if the part 行状态 is set to 自由.

  • This field is displayed only if the 将覆盖范围计算用于估算 check box is selected in the 维修销售控制参数 (tsmsc0100m000) and 维修销售订单 (tsmsc1100m000) sessions.
  • This field is applicable only if the Pricing Method is set to 固定订单价格.

The status of the serialized item, after the item is received. Possible values:

  • 活动: The item is operational.
  • 缺陷: The item is not operational.
  • 工作条件: The item is operational, but is returned, possibly because of the replacement by a more advanced component.
  • 待回收: The item is not operational and must be scrapped. The item must undergo recycling procedures (WEEE standards). The item must be stored in the warehouse, to be disposed on a later date.



This field is used to handle repair of items unknown in LN. The incoming defective item is given a label, which is stored in this field. The label identifies the item throughout the maintenance work cycle.


The unit in which the quantity is expressed.


The number of items to be received, delivered, or maintained.

Installation Group

The code that identifies the installation group, which can be the Installation group to which the item coming for maintenance belongs, or the Installation group to which the item is going.

Extra Intrastat Info

不可作为 LN 标准信息使用的进口/出口统计数据,但是一些欧盟成员国要求在销售表或欧盟内部交易报表中提供这些信息。

您可以通过将数据字段(最多 15 个)定义为欧盟内部附加交易信息集,将其添加到欧盟内部交易统计数据中。您可以将欧盟内部附加交易信息集指定给仓单行。

Project Pegging

The code to indicate the reason for the manual change of the pegging data.

  • This field is visible only if the 人工项目挂钩修改 check box is selected in the 项目挂钩参数 (tcpeg0100m000) session.
  • You must specify a valid Change Reason to modify the Project, Element or Activity fields.
  • The 原因类型 of the selected 原因 code must be 项目挂钩审计历史记录 in the 原因 (tcmcs0105m000) session.
  • The selected 原因 code must be valid (within the 生效日期 and 过期日期 range) in the 原因 (tcmcs0105m000) session.
  • Infor LN maintains the history of the manually modified project pegging data in the 成本挂钩审计历史记录 (tpctm2500m000) session.

The code of the Turnaround Time Document linked to the part maintenance line.

  • This field is displayed only if:
    • The 实现时间 check box is selected in the 已实施的软件组件 (tccom0100s000) session.
    • The 服务 (TS) check box is selected in the 实现时间参数 (tcttm0100m000) session.
  • A Turnaround Time Document is created for the part maintenance line only if an applicable term is available in the 实现时间条款 (tcttm0110m000) session.




Infor LN selects this check box if a TAT Document is linked to the specified 覆盖合同. The TAT data of the TAT Document linked to the contract is copied to the TAT Document created for the part maintenance line.




The project to which the cost is pegged.

  • The Project Cost Account to which cost is pegged is a combination of Project, Element and Activity.
  • This field is enabled only if a valid 更改原因 is specified.




The element that is linked to the project.

  • The Project Cost Account to which cost is pegged is a combination of Project, Element and Activity.
  • This field is enabled only if a valid 更改原因 is specified.



The activity that is linked to the project.

  • The Project Cost Account to which cost is pegged is a combination of Project, Element and Activity.
  • This field is enabled only if a valid 更改原因 is specified.



The method in which invoicing is performed for the selected part maintenance line associated with the maintenance sales order.



The reference item that is linked to the order line.

When the following two conditions are met, the field is enabled:

  • The Item field is empty.
  • The value selected in the 行处理程序 field is one of the following:
    • 借出
    • 交货

The problem that is reported by the customer.


The description of the problem.


The probable solution for the reported problem.


The description of the solution.


The problem that is expected.


The description of the problem.

Actual Problem

Indicates the actual problem.

When a call is transferred to a maintenance sales order, the value is imported from 呼叫管理模块.


The description of the problem.


The solution for the problem.


如果选中此复选框,a text that contains the problem that was reported by the customer is available.

When a call is transferred to a maintenance sales order, this text is retrieved from 呼叫管理模块.


如果选中此复选框,a text that contains the solution is provided.

When a call is transferred to a maintenance sales order, this text is retrieved from 呼叫管理模块.


The code of the service department that is responsible for carrying out the maintenance activities.

 For...  The default execution department is...
 Anonymous item  Service department of the anonymous item
 Installation group and anonymous item  Service department of Installation group
 Serialized item  Service department of serialized item
 Installation group and serialized item  Service department of serialized item
 Anonymous item without department
  • Service office of maintenance sales order header (1)
  • Service department from service engineer (2)

(1) For 维修 line.

(2) For 呼叫管理模块.


The reference activity that defines the maintenance work on the specified item and that is used for the work order that is created for the actual execution of the maintenance work.


The number of the work order if the item line resulted in a work order.


The allocation and hard pegging type that LN allocates to the inventory for a specific demand. LN uses the item specifications to match the demand and supply of inventory.


Allocation and Hard Pegging is applicable only for the following line procedures:

  • Part Loan
  • Part Delivery
  • Part Maintenance

Select the allocation and hard pegging type for the maintenance sales order lines. 此字段可以拥有下列值:

  • 基于客户 The inventory supply for the maintenance sales order line is allocated and/or hard pegged to the sold-to BP.
  • 基于订单 The inventory supply for the maintenance sales order line is allocated and/or hard pegged to the maintenance sales order line.
  • 基于客户参考 The supply for the maintenance sales order line is allocated and/or hard pegged to the maintenance sales order line. Customer Reference is used for subcontracting. In the subcontractor's system, the customer reference is populated by the manufacturer, using electronic messages .
  • 基于内部参考 The supply for the maintenance sales order line must be allocated and/or hard pegged to the internal reference.
  • 不适用The allocation and hard pegging is not applicable.

The field is available only when you select the 需求挂钩 check box in the 通用服务参数 (tsmdm0100m000) session.


The name of the business partner.

Business Partner

The description of the business partner.


The type of business object. 示例 maintenance sales order.


The identifier of the business object. 示例 maintenance sales order.


The reference to the business object. 示例 the line number of the maintenance sales order.


A reference code to which the inventory is allocated. LN can use the inventory only for an order with the same reference number.


The field is enabled only when you set the 分配和硬挂钩类型 field to one of the following:

  • 基于内部参考 LN uses the field to record an internal reference.
  • 基于客户参考 LN uses the field to record a reference code that is defined by a customer.

如果选中此复选框, Infor LN 企业计划子系统 uses unallocated inventory to match and meet the inventory demand and supply.

如果清除此复选框, Infor LN 企业计划子系统 does not use unallocated inventory to meet the inventory demand.


LN matches the inventory demand and supply in the following order of priority:

  1. Allocated inventory
  2. Unallocated inventory

使用未分配的库存 is not applicable for part maintenance and part receipt lines.


The code of the service type from which the maintenance sales order associated with the selected part maintenance line originates.

You can define Warehouse Order Type for Issue and Warehouse Order Type for Receipt for a service type in the 服务类型 (tsmdm0130m000) session. When a warehouse order is created for a maintenance sales order, LN selects the warehouse order of type Warehouse Order Type for Issue or Warehouse Order Type for Receipt that is defined for the service type.

If no Warehouse Order Type for Issue or Warehouse Order Type for Receipt for the service type is defined, LN selects the default warehouse order type that is defined in the 按来源列出的默认仓单类型 (whinh0120m000) session.


This value is defaulted from the 默认服务类型 field in the 维修销售控制参数 (tsmsc0100m000) session.




The pricing method that LN uses to invoice the maintenance work.


  • 时间和材料.
  • 固定订单价格.
  • 保修 LN selects this value only if repair warranty is applicable on the item that is specified in the part maintenance line.
  • 固定报价单LN selects this value only if the proposal method of the originating maintenance sales order quote is Fixed.
  • 固定可添加行报价单LN selects this value only if the proposal method of the originating maintenance sales order quote is Fixed Plus.

The value in this field can be changed if the order line status is 处理中; the corresponding coverage line does not have the status 已核算成本 or 已过帐至财务管理子系统, and if the status of the corresponding work order is not 已计划.


Pricing 方法 can be 保修, 固定报价单, and 固定可添加行报价单 only if the line procedure is 部件维修.


The agreed price for the maintenance work. For the sale of replacements, this field indicates the sales price of the item.


This field is only available if the pricing method is 固定订单价格.

Infor LN sets this value to zero if the 所有权 field is set to 客户所有.


The currency in which the sales price is expressed.


The unit in which the sales price is expressed.


Indicates multiple accounts by one invoice-to business partner.


The number of the service contract that covers the maintenance/sales performed under this order line.


The date and time that is used to calculate the coverage amount.


The reason for canceling the item line.


The date and time of the cancellation.


如果选中此复选框, it indicates that the sales order is initiated for cancellation.


You cannot cancel an item line on which work has already been done. In such cases, the cancellation procedure will select this check box, which will then indicate that further execution of work must stop.


如果选中此复选框, it indicates that text with further cancellation details is available.


如果选中此复选框, LN does not allow any change in the maintenance sales order line and work oder.


This is a display field. LN selects the check box when you create a quote.


The reasons for which the LN interrupts the maintenance sales order line. The interruption reason is populated from the 工作单管理参数 (tswcs0100m000) session when you create a quote.


You can define the interruption reasons in the 工作单管理参数 (tswcs0100m000) session.


The corresponding call number if the maintenance sales order originates from a call.


The quote number linked to the maintenance sales order.


The revision number of the quote to which the maintenance sales order line is linked.

  • This field is displayed only if the 使用修订 check box is selected in the 服务报价单参数 (tsepp0100m000) session.
  • This value is defaulted from the 报价单 (tsepp1100m000) session.

The line number of the quote to which the maintenance sales order line is linked.


如果选中此复选框, the item receipt for part maintenance line is processed.

  • This field is applicable only for maintenance sales order - part maintenance lines.
  • This is a display field when:
    • the maintenance sales order part line is generated from a service order material cost line. This check box is always cleared in this scenario.
    • the part maintenance line status is not set to 自由 or 已下达.
    • a maintenance work order is already generated for the part maintenance line with the status set to 已计划.
    • a freight order is available with line status set to In Progress.
  • This value is defaulted from the 使用收货 check box (specified in the 服务类型 (tsmdm0130m000) session) specified for the service type which is defined on the maintenance sales order header.
  • If a serialized item is specified for the part maintenance line, it is determined if this serialized item is available in any warehouse. If yes, this check box is cleared and the Receipt Warehouse is defaulted with the warehouse, where the serialized item is present.
  • if the serialized item is not linked to warehouse, this value is defaulted from the 使用收货 check box specified in the 服务类型 (tsmdm0130m000) session.

The planned receipt time of the item in the warehouse or location specified.


This field is enabled only if the 物料收货 check box is selected.


The ownership of the item. By default, this field is set to 客户所有. You cannot modify this value.


The warehouse at which the items are received.

  • When you add a Part Maintenance Line, Infor LN defaults this value from the 输入部件的仓库 field specified for the 服务部门 defined in the 维修销售订单 (tsmsc1100m100) session. The 输入部件的仓库 is defined in the 服务部门 (tsmdm1100m000) session.
  • Infor LN clears and disables this field, if the 安置区 (Receipt) is specified.



  • 任意

  • 相同

  • 指定


This field is enabled only if the 物料收货 check box is selected.


The lot to be received.


This field is enabled only if the 物料收货 check box is selected.


The location where the items are anticipated/received.


The quantity to be received.


This field is enabled only if the 物料收货 check box is selected.


The time at which the item is actually received. This time is automatically filled in when the warehouse inbound procedure is completed or when the item receipt is confirmed using the 确认安置区内的物料收货/交货 (tsmsc1100m200) session.

  • If you specify a location, you must manually enter the time.
  • A value in this field indicates the completion of the receipt procedure.

如果选中此复选框, shipment is done by appointment. The planned shipment time then remains fixed and can no longer be modified.


如果选中此复选框, it indicates that the incoming part has accessories.


如果选中此复选框, a text with further details on the accessories that accompany the incoming part is available.


如果选中此复选框, the item delivery for part maintenance line is processed.

  • This field is applicable only for maintenance sales order - part maintenance lines.
  • You cannot modify this value if:
    • the part maintenance line status is not set to 自由, 已下达 or 处理中.
    • item is delivered.
    • a freight order is available with line status set to 处理中.
  • This value is defaulted from the 使用交货 check box (specified in the 服务类型 (tsmdm0130m000) session) specified for the service type which is defined on the maintenance sales order header.

The planned delivery time of the item in the warehouse or location specified.


This field is enabled only if the 物料交货 check box is selected.


The warehouse from which the items are delivered.

  • When you add a Part Maintenance Line, Infor LN defaults this value from the 输出部件的仓库 field specified for the 服务部门 defined in the 维修销售订单 (tsmsc1100m100) session. The 输出部件的仓库 is defined in the 服务部门 (tsmdm1100m000) session.
  • Infor LN clears and disables this field, if the 安置区 (Delivery) is specified.



  • 任意

  • 相同

  • 指定


This field is enabled only if the 物料交货 check box is selected.


The lot to be delivered.


This field is enabled only if the 物料交货 check box is selected.


The location from which the goods are delivered after the completion of the maintenance work.


The quantity to be delivered.


This field is enabled only if the 物料交货 check box is selected.


The time at which the item is actually delivered. This time is filled in automatically when the warehouse outbound procedure is completed,or the item delivery is confirmed using the 确认安置区内的物料收货/交货 (tsmsc1100m200) session.

  • If you specify a location, you must manually enter the time.
  • A value in this field indicates the completion of the delivery procedure.

Indicates that the final item is received in the warehouse and the warehouse order is completed.


Indicates that the final item is delivered in the warehouse and the warehouse order is completed.


If this check box is selected by default, it indicates that Repair warranty coverage is applicable for the Part Maintenance line.


The value at which the service company prices the item in the inventory.

Calculate Residual Value

To default the new residual value, LN adds the average repair cost to the existing residual value.

Residual value = Item Residual Value (before repair) + Average Repair Costs


如果选中此复选框,LN generates a freight order from maintenance sales order.


The checkbox is used to indicate the presence or absence of a freight order for the work order line.


By default, the checkbox is selected.


The route that is entered on the originating order. The default value is taken from the freight order header.




The carrier that receives the goods on the current freight order line. The value in this field is taken from the freight order header.

If the load building engine finds other carriers that offer lower prices and/or provide a better planning scope, the carrier that you enter in this field is overruled.

If you do not enter a carrier in this field, the load building engine selects a carrier.

If the carrier entered in this field is not to be overruled by the load building engine, select the 承运人绑定 check box.

To create freight orders.

The load building process.

To use 货运 Management for direct deliveries.

货运 Management in multicompany environments.




如果选中此复选框,, the load building engine does not overwrite the carrier that you select in this field. However, as a rule, the load building engine does overwrite the carrier that you select in this field if the engine finds another carrier that offers lower prices and/or a more favorable planning scope. To specify a carrier for a specific order line and you do not want the load building engine to change the carrier, you can select the 承运人绑定check box. If the freight order line is clustered, the carrier in the carrier field is not overwritten during the clustering process, but you can, if required, manually change the carrier after the clustering process is carried out. If the 装货计划 check box is cleared for the freight order line in the 货运单行 (fmfoc2101m000) session, a freight order line is available for clustering.

If no carrier is selected in the 计划承运人 field, this field is unavailable.


The freight service level allows you to indicate the preferred transportation time for the item listed on the order line. The value is defaulted from the originating order, if defined in the order. For direct deliveries, the value is taken from the sales order.

The use of freight service levels




Select the option to indicate how the freight costs are invoiced to the business partner.

The possible values are as follows:

  • 服务管理子系统: The actual freight costs are on a separate freight cost line. The amounts to be invoiced are updated from freight management. The costs are released to invoicing by Service.
  • 货运管理子系统: Freight costs are invoiced by 货运 Management.
  • 不适用:The actual freight costs are ignored by Service.

LN adds the freight costs to the invoice to business partner in the following ways:

Possible values:

  • 货运成本: You can use this option to invoice the business partner based on the current information that is available on the freight costs for a shipment or load incurred by the carrier. The freight invoice amount is based on a carrier rate book in Pricing Control.
  • 货运成本(允许更新): You can use this option to send a second invoice to the external business partner if you previously invoiced the BP and the real freight costs differ from the amount that is invoiced. The initial freight invoice amount is based on a carrier rate book in Pricing Control.
  • 客户费率: Freight invoice amount is based on client rate book in Pricing Control and stores freight service rates for a specific business partner. The invoice amount is independent of the actual freight costs that are made by the carrier.
  • 不适用: No invoice for freight costs.

The freight amount that is defaulted from the carrier rate book or the client rate book of Pricing Control. The freight amount is expressed in order currency.


如果选中此复选框,the freight costs cannot be changed. You can calculate the 发票金额 and select the check box to ensure that the amount is not recalculated or manually changed. The check box is unavailable and selected if the freight costs that are calculated for the originating sales order line are made binding. To make this line binding, select the 货运金额绑定 check box in the 销售订单行 (tdsls4101m000) session. If the invoicing method is 货运成本or 货运成本(允许更新), this check box is unavailable.

Recalculate for shipment differences

Freight cost revenue calculation at order entry.

Invoicing methods.


The planned date and time on which loading is to take place at the ship-from location.

Planned load time=(Planned Receipt Time)-(Time to travel from BP to Warehouse)

The date and time on which loading has actually been carried out. To update the actual loading time, confirm Receipt in 货运 Management.


The actual carrier that receives the goods.


The freight load that is carried out by the carrier.


The freight shipment that is transported in the load.


The weight of the goods that are listed on the Installation before transportation takes place.


The unit in which the weight is expressed. The default measuring units used in 货运 Management are defined in the 货运主数据参数 (fmfmd0100m000) session.


A free text field, in which you can enter a descriptive text or code. Default texts are taken from the corresponding freight order line. Entries in this field are not unique.


如果选中此复选框,LN generates a freight order from maintenance sales order.


This checkbox is used to indicate the presence or absence of a freight order for the work order line.


By default, the checkbox is selected.


The route that is entered on the originating order. The default value is taken from the freight order header.


The carrier that is to transport the goods on the current freight order line. The value in this field is taken from the freight order header.

If the load building engine finds other carriers that offer lower prices and/or provide a better planning scope, the carrier that you enter in this field is overruled.

If you do not enter a carrier in this field, the load building engine selects a carrier.

If the carrier entered in this field is not to be overruled by the load building engine, select the carrier binding check box.


You can use this option to prevent the load building engine from overwriting the carrier that is selected for a given freight order line.


The default value is set to No.

The field is available only if you define the carrier in the 计划承运人 field.


The freight service level allows you to indicate the preferred transportation time for the item listed on the order line.


Select the value to indicate how you can invoice the freight costs to the business partner.

此字段可以具有下列值: (财务)

  • 服务管理子系统
  • 货运管理子系统
  • 不适用

Select the method to invoice the freight rates to the business partner.

此字段可以具有下列值: (财务)

  • 货运成本: You can invoice the business partner based on the existing information.
  • 货运成本(允许更新): Use this option to make changes in the freight costs by sending a second invoice to the business partner.
  • 客户费率: Freight costs are based on the client rate book in Pricing Control.
  • 不适用: No invoice for freight costs.

The calculated transportation costs for the goods that are listed on the current order or order line.


如果选中此复选框, the freight costs cannot be changed. You can calculate the invoice amount and select this check box to ensure that the amount is not recalculated or manually changed. If the freight costs that are calculated for the originating sales order line are made binding, this check box is unavailable and selected. To make this line binding, select the 货运金额绑定 check box in the 销售订单行 (tdsls4101m000). If the invoicing method is 货运成本or 货运成本(允许更新), this check box is unavailable.


The actual carrier that delivers the goods.


The planned date and time on which unloading is to take place at the ship-to location. The default value is the planned delivery time.


The date and time at which unloading has actually been carried out. The default value is the planned delivery time. To update the actual unloading time, confirm the delivery in freight management.


The freight load that is carried out by the carrier.


The freight shipment that is transported in the load.


The weight of the goods that are listed on the Installation before transportation takes place.


The unit in which the weight is expressed. The default measuring units used in 货运 Management are defined in the 货运主数据参数 (fmfmd0100m000) session.


A free text field, in which you can enter a descriptive text or code. Default texts are taken from the corresponding freight order line. Entries in this field are not unique.


The code of the covered item.

Use this field to check if you can provide coverage (either from a Warranty or from a Contract) to the item that is delivered or loaned to the customer


The Contract/Warranty is picked up based on the Covered Item/Serial.


The serial number of the covered item.


Indicates that the line is converted from other line procedures.


The default value is 不适用.

The following are the other possible values:

  • 部件维修: When the line is converted from Part Maintenance to Part Receipt.
  • 部件借出: When the line is converted from Part Loan to Part Delivery.

Displays the reason for which the line is converted to Part Receipt.

Receipt Reason



The origin of the sales price.

















Infor LN sets this value to 不适用 if the 所有权 field is set to 客户所有.


The contract linked to the maintenance sales part line for which contract price is defined


This field is not applicable if the 所有权 field is set to 客户所有.


The business partner who is the owner of the part line item in the inventory.

  • This field is applicable only if the 所有权 field is set to 客户所有.
  • This field is applicable only if the 外部所有权 check box is selected in the 已实施的软件组件 (tccom0100s000) session.
  • The value in this field is defaulted from the Sold-to 业务伙伴 defined in the 维修销售订单 (tsmsc1100m000) session.
Parent Item

The item code of the parentservice item required for the service order.


The serial number of the parent serialized item.


The position number of the child item in the service order.


If this check box is selected/cleared, the following are the possible scenarios:

  • 如果选中此复选框, and 定价合同, Pricing Contract Change and the Pricing Contract Line fields are specified, a valid service contract is linked and the sales price of the service contract is overruled.
  • 如果选中此复选框, and 定价合同, Pricing Contract Change and the Pricing Contract Line fields are not specified, a service contract is not linked.
  • 如果清除此复选框, and 定价合同, Pricing Contract Change and the Pricing Contract Line fields are specified, a valid service contract exists and pricing terms data is used.
  • 如果清除此复选框, and 定价合同 , Pricing Contract Change and the Pricing Contract Line fields are not specified, a valid service contract does not exist.

This is a display field.

This field is visible only if the 使用服务合同中的价格 check box is selected in the 合同管理参数 (tsctm0100m000) session.


The type of warranty applicable to the coverage lines linked to the maintenance sales order line.



The code of the warranty applicable to the coverage lines linked to the maintenance sales order line.


This field is mandatory if the 保修类型 is set to a value other than 无保修.

The value in this field cannot be modified if the 行状态 is set to 已核算成本, 已结算 or 已取消 and/or the coverage line 状态 is set to 已核算成本.


The warehouse in which the items are received.


  • Infor LN defaults this value from the 输入部件的仓库 field specified for the 运营部门 defined in the 维修销售订单部件维修行 (tsmsc1110m100) session. The 输入部件的仓库 field is defined in the 服务部门 (tsmdm1100m000) session.
  • You must specify a value in this field, when the 仓库 (Receipt) is specified; a transfer order is required to move the item from the 仓库 (Receipt) to the 工作单仓库, when these warehouses are different.
  • Infor LN clears and disables this field:
    • if the 安置区 (Receipt) is specified.
    • if the 行处理程序 is not set to 维修 in the 维修销售订单 - 部件行 (tsmsc1110m000) session.
  • Infor LN disables this field, when the work order is created.



The warehouse to which the items are delivered.


  • Infor LN defaults this value from the 输出部件的仓库 field specified for the 运营部门 defined in the 维修销售订单部件维修行 (tsmsc1110m100) session. The 输出部件的仓库 field is defined in the 服务部门 (tsmdm1100m000) session.
  • You must specify a value in this field, if the 仓库 (Delivery) is specified; a transfer order is required to move the item from the 仓库 (Delivery) to the 工作单仓库, when these warehouses are different.
  • Infor LN clears and disables this field:
    • if the 安置区 (Delivery) is specified.
    • if the 行处理程序 is not set to 维修 in the 维修销售订单 - 部件行 (tsmsc1110m000) session.
  • Infor LN disables this field, when the work order is created.

Indicates that a transfer order is created.


Infor LN selects this check box, if the 仓库 (Receipt) and the 工作单仓库 fields do not have the same values.

  • the 仓库 (Delivery) and the 工作单仓库 fields do not have the same values.

Indicates that a transfer order is created.


Infor LN selects this check box, if the 仓库 (Delivery) and the 工作单仓库 fields do not have the same values.


The local site where the item is received for the maintenance or repair.


The site where the item is maintained or repaired.


The code of the warehouse where the work order activities are executed.


The site where the item is maintained or repaired.


The code of the warehouse where the work order activities are executed.